
My 6 year old son started kindy last year a boy in his class started touching him inappropriately and it upset

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this year the boy has been sat at the same desk next to my son and is now touching my sons privates under the table i have been to the school last year about this and obviously nothing was done.what options do i have now???




  1. Given the age of the child doing the touching, there is a high likelihood that the "toucher" is being sexually abused.  You need to (1) teach your son to day "Don't touch me!" in a loud voice, (2) report this to the prinicipal, who is a "mandated reporter" (required to report suspected child abuse, and (3) call CPS yourself.

  2. Talk to your son's teacher about it.  Ask what will be done about it.  If nothing is done, talk to the school principal.  Also, tell your son to speak up about it, to tell his teacher when it happens.  

    It sounds like, at the very least, they should move the boy to another table (preferably with no children on either side).  They should probably have the school counselor talk to the boy also...if he's doing it to people, it's probably being done to him by someone at home.

  3. The school did nothing? If this is a public school and you haven't been directly to the principal, you need to do so. If you have been to the principal and still nothing was done, GO directly to the Superintendant of your district. If they don't help, get a lawyer

  4. Tell your son if he does it again to start screaming at  the top of his lungs!!!! Say thing DON'T TOUCH ME!!

    Make a huge deal out of it. Trust me they will do something then.

    If not report it to the head of the school board, or Department of Education.

  5. Tell your son to stand up and say: "Hey, keep your hands to yourself!"

  6. Wow that's gross, go to higher officials or meet his parents and get it sorted out

  7. Report it to the school.  They have to do something, even though he is only 6 years old it is still wrong.  If that doesn't work, set up a time that you can meet with the little boys parents.  What that boy is doing is obviously upsetting your son very much and the school should do more to protect him.

    Good Luck!

  8. Make a huge deal out of this!  Your son does not deserve this and should never have to experience it again.  Don't just ask that your son be moved... DEMAND IT!  I wouldn't even want him in the same class with the boy or the teacher for that matter if she hasn't done anything about it.  Go straight to the highest official now!

  9. If the school does nothing report it to the police - they will do something.

  10. You need to contact CPS. Get the other boys full name and call the child abuse hotline. Explain everything in detail and honestly, especially the part about going to the school for this in the past. CPS is a scary organization, but they don't just fly in and remove kids from their parents, they will take this boy who is touching your son and get help for him. They can also get help for you and your son. He probably had it done to him, 95% of the time they are just repeating what was done to them. Do not delay. Your son is in danger. The other boy is crying out for help.

  11. you get up to the school and tell the teacher what is happening and you want that child moved NOW!

  12. Depends on who you talked to when you were at the school and what action they actually took.  If you haven't talked to the principal, then that's who you should be seeing now.  

    Meanwhile, don't overreact.  This is just an annoyance to your little guy and doesn't mean anything to him.  It's only "inappropriate" to him because you told him it was.  He'll be fine.  But his classmate needs help apparently in learning what is and isn't appropriate behavior.  That's between teacher and his parents.  If that conversation hasn't happened or hasn't been effective, that's why you're visiting again with the teacher and principal.

  13. I work in law enforcement and this needs to be reported to Child Protective Services, the school and the Police Dept.  This is how it should all go down.  Call Child Services tell them whats going on and that you want a worker at the school and that you are on your way to the school yourself.  tell them about the precious episode and that nothing was done.  Also, call the police dept. and tell them the same thing.  The reason you need to do all this is because the boy doing the touching is most likely being abused himself.  This is a learned behavior.  Children just don't start acting this way unless they're being treated in the same manner.  It looks as if this child is being abused and no one is helping him.  Try not to see him as evil, he's a victim too.  I am a mother too, but you have to understand that this child does not realize what he's doing is wrong because someone is making him think its okay.

  14. Question back- How long have you been sending your son to a g*y school?

  15. Ask that your son be moved to another class or at least another desk. Seek advice from the principal!

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