
My 6 year old son still has to wear diapers at night; I got mean comments from family when they learned this.?

by Guest63709  |  earlier

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How do I educate them about children?




  1. It is difficult to educate people who don't want to be educated. You could look up articles on the net and show them.  Here is one of many search results from google for 'bed wetting normal 6.'

    Bed-wetting Many researchers consider bed-wetting normal until age 6. About 10% of 6-year-old children wet the bed about once a month. More boys than girls have this ... - 56k - Cached - Similar pages

    So contrary to what one respondent said your son's situation is not abnormal.  Check if he has any medical problem though and if he doesn't  just relax and don't worry about the rels.

    Stress won't help your son .

  2. I am 47 yrs old. I wet my bed until I was about 8.

  3. Don't waste your breath.  Lots of kids his age still have issues with night time bed-wetting and its very normal.  If they aren't aware of that by now, then no amount of "education" is going to convince them otherwise.  Just let it go.  My only suggestion is that you use Good-nights rather than an actual diaper.  If you do feel the need to educate them, then simply do an internet search on bed-wetting and I can guarantee you'll find more than enough information to give to them.

  4. Say that he still needs more time and that it is still perfectly normal and they don't have to like what he does. Everyone changes when they are ready, not when someone makes a rude comment about it.

  5. actually, 6 year olds still wearing diapers at night isnt normal

    u might wanna solve that problem

  6. ignore them

  7. Tell them its none of there business - but if you really want to educate them go to the dr. and get some information - or Im sure there is  plenty of it online.

    good luck

  8. Haha what a rude family,,,,, He is a child still,,,,,,,,

    Maybe just keep it to yourself,, dont embarass your son about it by telling anyone,,,,, and tell them how immature they are lol

  9. OMG!! Really?? That just means that they are extremely ignorant about it. If they just simply watch the commercials about GOODNITES then they would learn that it is something your son can't help. There is tons of information out there about why some children wet the bed. It is wrong of them to make you feel bad. I would just on the internet and find information about it and ask them to read it. That's all I can think of. That and make sure they NEVER criticize your son for it. It has to be hard enough on him without others putting pressure on him. Good luck and stay strong.

  10. Tell them there are adults that have to wear diapers so bug off and mind their own business. Some kids take a longer time especially at night.  So what. There are worse problems the child could have. Like Cancer, Lupus, Diabetes, Polio, Mental illness, etc. Tell them to look at themselves and if they are perfect then they can criticize others. Maybe not they probably think they are perfect.

  11. That isn't your job to educate them! My sons pediatrician told me that there is a muscle that some children donot develop until later in life that helps them to know then they need to use the restroom. Some children don't develop this well enough until later in life to tell them to wake up they need to use the restroom. Would you rather your son wear a diaper, or I'm assuming pull-ups, and wake up dry without anyone knowing about it, or wake up completely wet and have anyone he happens to be around know that he still wets the bed. My 4 year old was embarrassed to wear pull-ups but i bought him those pull-ups with a diaper inside but they look like boxers on the outside? He really likes those!

  12. There are many children that suffer from this problem, I know my sister and her husband both wet the bed till they were 11-13, and the doc said more than likely their 4 children will have the same problem when they get older. You need to have a discussion with them, maybe the childs doc. can inform them. The family should not make comments to the child, or anyone else for that matter, as it could just make the problem evlove into something much worse. Not sure how to educate them but haven't they ever seen the comercial for Goodnight underware? Lots of children live with this problem.

  13. I don't think 6 yr olds should be wearing diapers. But if you're child has a problem, or has to wear his diaper at night. I can understand that, I would explain to them, the reason he needs to wear diapers at night. I don't really know how to answer, sorry. But, I hope I helped.

  14. Some kids bladders develope slower than others, if he was wearing diapers all the time I would see a need for concern.  But for a 6 year old to wear diapers while they sleep is perfectly normal, next time they say something maybe just tell them not to make those comments, and that is your son they are talking about.  Or like the person above said pick your son up and walk away, but I would give them a look first to signify that you are not pleased with the comment.

  15. Is it possible the urine in his diaper is just his morning voiding?  you might try putting him in underwear and see if it works.  he might have an occassional accident at first but age 6 is long after the time most children stay dry in the night.

  16. You dont, thats not your job. If they say something mean, pick up your son and walk away without saying one word. Actions speak louder than words, they will soon get the hint and stop.

  17. Tell them your son has a medical condition. Just like anyone elses diabetes,or any common disease etc. Except his isn't so serious. Tell them that your working towards sleeping freely at night. If they have anything mean to say about that you have horrible family! GOOD LUCK!!

  18. Little boys have trouble at night more then little girls. Let them know they make pull ups for 8 and 9 year old! for crying out loud. My oldest son was having problems for a little bit of peeing in the bed  so I made sure he went to the bathroom before he went to bed and he's been fine since.  Talk to your doctor if it concerns you but tell your family to mind there business!

  19. It's hard, some kids are deep sleepers and don't wake when they have to go potty, if your looking for advice on how to get him outta diapers, then you have to do it well it's summer and wake him up every 2-3 hours and give him the idea about getting up and go potty take him outta diapers and put him in training pants. Then give him a potty chart, with sitckers or whatever he likes as a reward system every time he makes it through the night with out wetting the bed.((Do Not Use Candy Or Food As The Reward!!)) This may take a while but when he's using the potty he will feel better about himself.

  20. 6 and still wearing diaper WHAT IS GOING ON? you should be waking him up every 20 to 30 minutes to go to the bathroom after a while he will ge into the habit of going to the bathroom at night plus there should be no fluids at least 2 hours prior to bedtime if he wakes up at night for a drink it should be a NO

    start potty training at one and a half yes you will lose sleep in the beginning but after a couple of weeks it will be over you will save lots of money on diapers by age two you will be completely accident free day and night number one and two get rid of all the diapers and pull ups then replace them with character underwear which all boys seem to wear backwards in order to see the characters your lazyness should not be the cause of your childs under achievement

  21. your son has the same problem as i use to have it is a undeveloped bladder

  22. Stop telling people that your son wears diapers at night!! Tell the people that make the mean comments that they are acting immature. When they make those comments around you or your son, simply get up and walk away. Question them (while your son is not around) if they would like it if their son/daughter needed to wear diapers at night and they got teased about it. Saying this will make them realize that they are being cruel and hurtful to you and your son.

  23. I wouldn't even bother. Most of the educated population is aware that boys are harder to potty train at night, and bedwetting in boys through age 8 is considered 'normal' by pediatricians and not a cause for worry. If your family members don't understand, oh well, they don't have to deal with it, it doesn't concern them.

  24. If you go see a doctor they have some medication for this he has a problem. It's very command but I think the family should'nt be making comments that is not right..

    Good luck..

  25. Well Just Listen To What They Say And Just Ignore It All I Have A Sister That Was Like That And She Stopped at The Age Of 8. It Isn't Really Bad Just Tell Them That Your Son Is Having Difficulty Coming Out Of This Stage And Hopefully They Will Completely Understand. Thats What My Family Did.

  26. Okay. This is embarassing but I will share it anyways.

    It is absolutely normal. I was wetting beds till I was in grade 10. So my mom took me to the doctor. He said the reason could be coz my bladder might be smaller. So such he told me to hold my pee as long as I can. It was an exercise and he said that will slowly increase the size of my bladder.

    Other thing was that each time I wet the bed, I was dreaming and in the dream, I was thinking that I was really in the washroom and peeing in the toilet.

    So what I did was tried not to drink water at night before going to bed.

    My mom did some positive reinforcement like buying me small gifts each week that I improved.

    Eventually it completed stopped. Now I can drink at night and get up in the middle of the night to pee instead of wetting the bed.

    There is nothing bad about it. It is just that these things happen with different bodies. Everyone is different. And I don't even want to start commenting on the mean things your family says about your kid.

    You do a great job of defending your kid. Kudos to you. My mom did that for me and I love her for that. I am 23 years old now and my urine cycle can't be more healthy.

    You might want to consult a doctor about it. Always consult an expert.

    I hope this helps. My email address is

  27. Well first of all there is a reason that they make diapers big enough for older children. My younger brother wore diapers until he was 14 when he went to bed. They tried everything and when it came down to it he just didn't have the bladder control. The doctors told my parents that this is completely normal and more common than people think.

    "Bed-wetting: The Secret Problem

    That secrecy about bed-wetting makes the situation tougher for kids and parents alike. "Ninety percent of kids think they're the only ones who wet the bed, which makes them feel even worse," says Bennett.

    Yet bed-wetting children are far from alone. Though children naturally gain bladder control at night, they do so at different ages. From 5 to 7 million kids wet the bed some or most nights -- with twice as many boys wetting their bed as girls. After age 5, about 15% of children continue to wet the bed, and by age 10, 95% of children are dry at night.

    Wet beds leave bad feelings all around. Frustrated parents sometimes conclude a child is wetting the bed out of laziness. Kids worry there's something wrong with them -- especially when teasing siblings chime in. Fear of wetting the bed at a friend's sleepover can create social awkwardness.

    For some, bed-wetting may be an inevitable part of growing up, but it doesn't have to be traumatic. Understanding bed-wetting's causes is the first step to dealing with this common childhood problem."

    check out some other articles like the one above on

  28. I wouldwrite them a little note letting them know how it made you feel, and maybe they should educate themselves about this.  And from now on if it's going to be negative they can keep their opinions to themselves.  What are you suppose to do if your child has this problem... let them make a mess of themselves at night???  Do they really think your kid would want to wear them if he/she didn't have to???  I have a neighbour whose daughter still has to wear them at 9 years old at night. My daughter found out bc the little girls brother was picking on her to embarass her. Well all that did was show my daughter he has a mean streak. The girl is a very intelligent, artisitc, friendly girl.  Some peoples brains just develop differently...or I have read some kids (and adults) just fall into a really deep sleep that causes that.

  29. Hwo completely rude of your family - boy's are a lot harder to potty train, esp. at night. Most pediatrician's will tell you that bed wetting for children (boys OR Girls) until the age of 10 is considered normal.

    I would ignore the comments, and if they are said directly to you take your son and leave - you shouldn't have to subject yourself or your child to that nonsense!

    Just be sure to remind your son that there is nothing wrong with him, and that whenever he's ready is fine. You don't want him over hearing and getting a complex.

    Good Luck!

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