
My 6 year old son stole money from school...??

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what to do. he stole 20.00 from someone else and then spent it later that day at a bake sale. he has stolen some minor things in the past and we did talk to him...... its wrong, you will go to jail, etc....we read him a book on stealing. he is always sneaking around,... putting things in his pocket from home. what should we do, i think we have time to mould him straight.! ! suggestions please.......




  1. same problem with my little brother , he is 5 ..i decided to go to target and ask one of the security guards to play a fake trap on my bro ..he agreed ..

    my brother loves is ds light so i bought a game and open the case and left  the game on the floor for him to grab...later the guard approached my bro ..and told him he would have to go to began to cry the  security guard took his picture and told him not to steal anymore because he would know how he looks like and would catch  him !..problem solved

  2. d**n, and I thought I was the youngest thief in my days. It's time for much stricter discipline.

    1. Make him pay a visit to your city Juvenile Detention, and show him what happens to criminals.

    2. Have him personally work for and return the money to it's actual owner.

    3. Keep him away from the things he like to do. I think he's having a little too much lee way.

  3. my parents taught me not to steal by making me face the person i stole from and apologising .....kind of a forced embarassment situation.....worked for me

  4. it seems that it's a behavior problem.

    1. do you guys let him take whatever he wants at home? if yes then don't let him get away with taking without asking at home

    Teach him to ask before taking and it should solve 99% of the problems your having.  I have always taught my kids to always ask before taking that way I know what they want and what they are doing (eating, touching, etc) this has to be done while they are young and keep because it's has a life long effect.  he's 6 it's still not too late.  start at home and make him ask permission to take stuff or use stuff (no matter how small or big)  and make sure he knows that he can get in trouble if he does not ask.

  5. Maybe visit your nearest police department and have him to talk to a policeman about what happens when you steal.

  6. thats a tough one, he obviously learned it from somewhere so you need to find out. maybe a friend or something and I wouldnt let him hang around that person any more., you need to make him take the 20 back to the person and say your sorry and maybe even write a letter to him saying its wrong. you need to have consenquences when he does this, not just a talk. make him know your serious and its wrong.

  7. take him to the jail and show him where he's going to end up

  8. You have to punish him or later the law will do it for you.

    Which do you think is better?

  9. Did he have to give back the money and apologize for taking it?    Often the act of apologizing in person is what helps.  It makes them realize that what they did affected someone else and frankly, it is embarrassing.

  10. Off with his head!!!

  11. when he's at school take away everything.  then when he get home tell him it was stolen.. that way he knows how it feels to be on the other end

  12. 20 dollars worth of baked goods?!  d**n, that kids got a sweet tooth.

    I think it's important you really take a stand now.  Stricter punishments until he learns.  Make him return the items and $ personally, and let him see what distress it caused the person he stole from.

  13. Time to get the belt out. & ground him after wards. Sounds like he's headed for trouble when he's a teenager. May likely have run in's with the law.

  14. The belt! Time to spank!!

    We beat in my country and our kids are better behaved than your yankee brats! So learn a thing or two.

  15. I agree with bob have the cops come and pick him up and take him to jail ...My mom did this to me when I stool a cupcake from a store when i was 5 .... Never did it again.

    Good luck


  16. I suggest a good spanking. Obviously he isnt learning from your little talks with him.

  17. BOOT CAMP...ur never too young for boot camp

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  18. Well my close friend had problesm with her son and stealing, so she took him to the police office and the officer asked if he did it, of course he lied and said no, so they handcuffed him and out him in the police car, once he was in he started crying like a baby and confessed. And now he no longer steal

    (they weren't really gonna take him to jail, it was to scare him)


    try that

  20. I think being a clepto is a part of being a little boy?  My six yr old is going thru that phase too...sadly. The last time he stole something, I caught it before we left the parking lot. I took him back into the store and made him hand over the item, and apologize to the cashier for stealing.

    I also, started to take things away from him. He steals. I take his DS, or his dvd player, skateboard or scooter. His favorite things. He gets to know how it feels to have something taken from him.

    Good luck to you with this....I know I'll need it.

  21. You need to reinforce his negative behavior. He is past reading a book, you have to be harsher when he does it. If he learns he can get away with it, this problem will continue in the future.

  22. Bring him back and make him apologize (in front of you), completely humiliating him.  Make him swear to pay it back and tell him he'd better "straighten up and fly right."  I bet that'll be the last time he does that.

  23. sometimes it is just "in" people/children to do those kind of things. perhaps pinch some of his favourite toys or things off him so he knows how it feels. keep on with the talking and explaining, but definately you need to keep a check on this.

    cosmic angel

  24. Cut off his hands!

  25. Spnak him !!

  26. He needs to pay it back, and even if that means you taking the money giving it to him, and walking him into the school.  Then when you are at home, you need to set some ground rules and put him on a few chores.. he's old enough to set tables, push the vacuum even. This way he is earning that money to give back to you. Take some of his favorite things away .. tv shows, toys etc.   The only way you're going to nip this is if you do a bit of tough love. Good luck.

  27. First you, spank his butt until his eyes cross, then spank it again until they uncross, then make him repay the money(loan it to him) in person and apologize.Then instead of getting to play, he does chores until he repays the money you gave him to repay  what he stole double.

    Tell him he will ALWAYS get caught sooner or later that GOD will not let him get by  forever.And every time he gets caught, the punishment will be WORSE!

    After that, I bet he WILL think twice before he does it again.

  28. Their is no such thing as minor stealing . if he is 6 he is getting this idea from somewhere else. you should seriously ground him.

  29. I think he need a doctor.

    he has a serius problem do you know the italian song from SUGARFREE ''CLEPTOMANIA''??

    in this song the singer talk about this problem.- stole everything-

    i have 2 way to think

    the first : he havent enought money to spend for his thing

    the second: maybe he try to have more attention from his family.

    that's what i think.


  30. He needs a spanking! Or at least serious punishment! None of this "time out" c**p.

    That shows his lack of respect for his peers, and you as his parents.  Just think about what he will do at 16, if he is steal now at 6!

    You need to prove your Authurity over him!

  31. I would make him go and return the 20 that he stole to the person.  I would make him say he was sorry, and ask whoever he stole from how he can make it community service around school.  He is 6...he is old enough to understand what he did was wrong.

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