
My 6 year old son wet his pants in church yesterday, because he can't leave to use the bathroom during service

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this has happened before.. what should we do to prevent it? We try to remember to have him pee before/




  1. OMG! You have GOT to be kidding me!

    If you are THAT afraid to worship in ;your OWN church, its time to get a new church!!! Poor lil kid! He must be scared to death of GOD!

  2. Get a new Church.  Jesus invented bathroom relief.  I KNOW that Jesus wouldn't torture a poor child over having to go either.

      If this is because you are sitting in service and worried what people will think if he gets up, then there is a spiritual problem there too.  Jesus came to serve, and many times was looked down upon for doing things.  He, being God, made himself equal to Man.  And at that, made himself lower than all men, by submitting even to death.

  3. Let him leave during the service! If you are so against interrupting it that you would make your kid pee his pants you need to get a grip.

  4. Sit in the back, near the door.

    Also consider the possibility of the beginning of a passive-aggressive behavioral activity that should not be encouraged.


  5. I think you need to limit liquid intake. You should gently say if you keep on going in your pants you will need to wear a diaper. Do not spank the child for this it is out of control.

  6. a 6 yr old cant hold it for an hr or more if they gotta go they gotta go NOW!

  7. get up and take him to the bathroom

  8. No liquids an hour before the service and have him go right before it begins---unless this is a really early service and that would mean no breakfast.

    If the service is really long ( a couple of hours) then there should be some way to let him go to the bathroom. Even if it is only an hour, a kid this age should be able to go to the bathroom if he really needed to go----what if he were sick??

    Poor kid.

  9. Go ahead and let him go during service if he has to.

  10. have him toilet before service and talk to the pastor about toileting.  otherwise, find another church.

  11. Why the heck cant a little boy go to the bathroom? Thats nonsense and you know it!

    Look I wont go into the religion thing here ( wrong forum) but if your church is soo strict you "can't" leave to take your son to the bathroom - you should reconsider where you go to church at the very minimum. What would Jesus do? He would let the child go pee!

  12. do you need advice on how to take your son to the restroom? all you do is get up go come back. seriously what the heck? if your church doesnt like children to pee then go somewhere where bladder release is acceptable.

  13. That to me is just cruel! I suggest you talk to a priest, nun, something like that and tell them about the problem you are having. They may extend their rule to your son or just shatter it altogether. If they reject your concerns, you may want to put him in a diaper. Sounds stupid, but if he has to go he can just go then and there with no risk!

    God would let the little kid take a leak, now wouldn't he?!

  14. why cant you leave during service

    you cant expect your son to sit an hour long without using the restroom

    yes we taught my 3 yr old son to go before mass but if he has to go we take him, if you cant hold it for an hour do you actually thing a child can hold the bathroom

    kids accompanied with an parent can get up so the children can use the bathroom, i dont find that a problem i dont think other people will mind either

  15. If you have had him go before hand and he still does this remember a child does not have the bladder control or capacity of an adult. cutting down fluids before services should help as well, but if it does come up anyway you need to let him go to the bathroom.

    Find a new place to worship if it is really frowned on by the church you attend. This is a basic human need that should not be denied anyone.

    Humiliation is no way to teach a child about the love of God, besides if you had to go or wet yourself what would you chose.

    Using the restroom should always be an option for all people, interrupting the sevice be hanged.

  16. I beleive it is a good idea to teach children to make sure they go before church begins so they are running in and out during services, however, I think making him sit there until he wets himself is a little over the top.  He is now wet and embarrassed.  I don't think Christ would have demanded that a child wet himself instead of going to the bathroom.

  17. Take him before service. Children are not like adults. Next time he ask to go let him go to the bath room. Who did it embarrass more you or him. If it is the Church's rule that no one can go to the bathroom. Find another church. If you have to go really bad are you going to wet your self. No so let the child go.

  18. why cant he go during the service?  Nothing that is being said is that important, just take him when he has to go.

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