
My 6 year old-the early-riser

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My 6 year old, wakes up early-between 5-5:30 am. Last month, we changed his bedtime to 8:00 o'clock, which is a reasonale time. we don't like the idea of putting him to bed later, since he's only 6.

We monitor what he drinks and eats throughout the day and nooooooooo he does not nap. Any other suggestions?




  1. try putting him to bed alittle bit later I have a 6 year old and she goes to bed around 9 pm and sleeps till like 7 am  

  2. my son was exactly the same!! Some people just don't need a lot of sleep. We took it in turns over the weekend to get a little catch up.

      But now he has flipped 360', since becoming a teenager the bed has to be practically amputated from him.  

  3. Try 8:30 instead or 9PM...if he goes to bed at 8PM and gets up at 5:00..he's getting the amount of sleep he needs.  He will wake when he's had enough.

  4. the only thing other than changing his bedtime would be to cutout any naps he may have... otherwise looks like you are stuck getting up at 5am

    EDIT: sorry missed that he doesn't nap... sound like he just needs 9 hours of sleep which doesn't seem unreasonable to me, double check with your pediatrician if that is enough sleep but again you may be stuck with it

  5. Talk to your pediatrician about it, see if anything else can be done. Other wise he will probably grow out of it.

  6. my twins were like this when they were little. No matter what time I put them to bed they were up by 6:00am. Now they are 13 and will sleep all morning if I let them no matter what time they go to bed LOL All I can say is be patient, there will come a time when you will be trying to get them up early LOL

  7. My daughter is now 8 almost 9.  She is an early riser most of the time.  she knows to go in her room and play until everyone else gets up.

    We have a different set up being that my husband, her father got killed when she was 11 months old.  She and her older sister sleep in my room.  We also stay with my mom.  so when she (my 8 y/o) gets up she has a room where she plays.  

    Good Luck

  8. when you figure it up he's sleeping for 9 hours straight. that's pretty average. my 4, almost 5, year old goes to sleep around 9:30 and will be up by 8 the next morning. my 2 year old gets a nap and sleeps from 10-7. 7:30 if we're lucky.

  9. There isn't much you can do.  My son is 7 and we can him our rooster - he's up with the sun.  If you put your son to bed later, he'll still get up early and just be cranky and tired.  

    With my son - we just accept it.  He does tend to sleep later in the winter (more like 6:30-7, whoo hoo!) - so you could try room darkening shades if you want.  Other than that, the rule we have with my son is we put a digital clock in his room, and we told him he is not allowed to leave his room until it reads 7am.  So even though he still wakes up early, he'll read in his bed or play his Nintendo DS until the appropriate hour.

    Hope this helps!

  10. my 6 year old is the same way. I think as soon as they see daylight they need to be up. sucks for us though. We out our son to bed at 8 too.

    hang in there

  11. Sorry, it sounds like he's just an early riser. My son was an early riser when he was younger. We taught him to entertain himself and not to come out of his room untill 7 a.m. It's a good idea to get him a clock if he doesn't have one already. We told him he could read or play quietly until then. It really worked for us. Good luck!

  12. My kids have been early risers from day dot too, because thats the routine i have them in. I rarely have to kick them out of bed, usually the daylight savings months i will give them a wake up call but other than that, they are out of bed, ready for breakfast, school clothes and school before any of their friends are even out of bed. Dont discourage it.... it will make his life much easier to be used to rising early and you wont have to do it with him fo too many more years because he will be able to get up and cater to himself.

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