
My 6 yr old girl attitude problem .... am I being mean?

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I have a 6 yr old girl who acts like she is 15. She talks to u like a big girl and is usually very sweet, but lately she has gotten this attitude that if she doesn't get what she wants she'll just start to cry!! It gets on my last nerve and all that does is make me NOT give to her. She gets a lot of things she wants as rewards but lately I have been taken some away when she acts up but that doesn't seem to be helping. Am I being mean to her by taking away and not giving her the things she likes as punishment for her attitute? is that why she is acting this way? What should I do?




  1. Your right, When she does that she needs to be ignored and not given what ever item she is requesting. Say once and only once, "act like a big girl and we will talk"

    LOL and you thought the terrible 2's were over.    :-D

  2. if you give in, she will keep on doing it....they know if they keep it up, you'll give in. when you don;t they will learn

  3. You're doing the right thing! I have a nine year old and I remember around that five to six age, she started getting real "sassy." Like I would say things and she would have a smart come back. And she always wanted to get her own way! I don't know if she was getting it from school or if it was from too much tv, but I didn't like it at all. And the only way to stop it is to nip it in the bud with corrective behavior, just like you're doing! Kids have to learn that there are consequences for their actions. So if that means that you take away rewards as punishment for her attitude, then that's just what it is.

    You say it's not working, but maybe you need to find something she really likes. Does she like tv, video games, an after school activity? Does she hate being in her room alone? Whatever it is, you have to find a punishment that fits the crime and will teach her that her behavior is not acceptable. And if it's taking away an activity or reward the she really likes, I think you will see some improvement in her attitude as long as you are consistent in your discipline. Good luck!

  4. Some girls, like I did hit puberty young, this is just a few mounth faze, she could have trouble at school, 6 is a trouble age, the WORST age. Most 6 year olds get a little spoiled at times, in fact all of them do, your not being mean, keep doing what your doing but give her alot of attention, telling her how much you love her or else she'll be a bratty little teenager.

    Hey can you answer mine everybody?

  5. Are you a single mom because when my children act out it is because something is bottering them and my ex-husband has disapointed them several times. I would sit her down and try talking to her and if that does not work I would seek professional help for her.  Also, you are not doing anything wrong by taking things away.

  6. yes , take things from her when she misbehaves. If she cries then send her to her room. What you are doing is called parenting. Keep it up

  7. No, I don't think that u r wrong or mean. I have a son - an only child - and he has definitely been "spoiled" since day one... it's not like u set out to do it, but if u have the extra cash and your kid "really" wants this or that you buy it b/c you want to make them happy - especially when they are young. But guess what, as they get older, they expect and they are not as appreciative. I'm having to "re-train" my 13 yr  old son that he can't have everything he wants just b/c he wants it. He has no concept of cost etc. Save yourself now and cut back while ur daughter is young ... you'll thank me when she's 13!!!

  8. No, you are doing the right thing.  Good for you for not letting a 6 year old run your life.

  9. If you give in now, you will be giving in forever. Best to stand your ground, and tell her you will not talk to her until she can get rid of the attitude. I know it sucks punishing them and you want to give them what they want, but you have to do what is best for them even though it is sooooo hard sometimes.

  10. Taking things away that you have already given her isn't going to work.  You have to not give her something because of her attitude.  Like if you were planning a trip to the mall, leave her with a sitter and you go to the mall, explain first WHY she doesn't get to go.  This will make her think about her actions.  Taking something away doesn't require her to think about her attitude or they way people react to it.  Also, remember she is only 6, she is trying to be "grown up" give her some slack now and then.

  11. She is acting this way because the adults in her life have trained her to do so.  When she acts up, she gets what she wants.  To top it off, you feel guilty for asserting your authority and saying "no."

    Stop giving in to her dramatics and she will settle down.  Keep feeling guilty and pretty soon you will have a 15 year old going on thirty.

  12. If she starts with the crying, give her a hug and acknowledge that she is upset, tell her "I know it's upsetting that you can't go to your friend's house right now, but we have other plans."  That way you are at least letting her know that you aren't ignoring her feelings.  Then if she continues to cry, there should be a stern reminder from you that you won't discuss anything with her if she's going to cry and carry on.  If she continues and doesn't get control of herself, then tell her that she can go to her room until she's calmed down, or if you are out and about, stop what you are doing and offer to go back to the car so she can sit down and calm down.

    When my almost 8 year old girl does this, usually it means she's tired and her coping skills are useless because she's just too tired....maybe you need to pay attention to your daughter's sleeping habits and add an extra hour of sleep time?  Or perhaps she could be getting cranky due to low blood sugar, make sure you have healthy snacks on hand.

    Good Luck and stay firm!

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