
My 6 yr old son drew a picture of cars that crashed into trees and caught fire. Should I be concerned?

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My 6 yr old son drew a picture of cars that crashed into trees and caught fire. Should I be concerned?




  1. Not unless it becomes a habit.  It is probably something he saw on tv.

  2. no, your kid must be good at drawing it

  3. Not as long as he wasn't watching out the window! :P

  4. No.

  5. Ask him about it! What's happening in this picture, where did you get the idea for it, etc.

    Keep an eye on his drawings to see if there are any recurring themes. And maybe consider restricting his TV viewing! Many shows on TV, and especially the news can be too violent for kids that young.

  6. With everything thats on t.v. now a days, I wouldn't be concerned. Things are catching fire, exploding and all sorts of things on almost every cartoon show on!

  7. I really don't think so. Obviously you can ask him to tell the story of his picture. He may be afraid it will happen to you or himself or maybe his wishes it would happen to someone that is being mean to him..or maybe he is just bored. Ask him and if the answer shocks  YOU... then  make an appt with an MSW( Masters in Social Work)

  8. u shouldn't even have a kid if you don't know the answer to that

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