
My 6 yr old son has started stuttering very bad and acting up his teacher has noticed this as well.What to do?

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I talked to his teacher and she is gonna to have him meet with the speech therapist at the school. I am unsure of what to so. The stuttering had started out of nowhere, he has never stuttered before, and within the pass month or so he has started.




  1. get info from Stuttering Foundation - it works!

  2. Another solution is to try to calm your son down a bit, nervousness can make a speech problem worse, have him take in a deep breath before he begins to speak.if that doesn't seem to help,  Has your son seen something on tv with a person who stuttered or is he in a class or school with someone who does?

    the reason i ask is because children are fascinated by different characteristics of people and sometimes like to mimic these.  If that is so, then it is just a phase and it will go away.Consider asking him if he knows someone else who speaks like he does or if he has seen someone who does, and see what he says...  Just make sure not to disipline him for this since either way it is normal, whether it be an actual speech issue or just a phase of mockery. Also the acting up may also be a part of it, he may have seen that a child who stutters gets more attention therefore he decided to give that a try, and children often will act out to get more attention because to kids any attention whether it be bad or good is attention, so try to ignore his bad behavior and reward him when he is good to show him that acting out will not get him the attention he wants and that being good will. Good luck!

  3. i heard this happens a lot to usually boys, around this age.  their brain is just going so fast, they can't get the words out fast enough.  i wouldn't worry about it as most grow out of it, but use your gut instinct.

  4. check out as they have loads of information on stuttering, ways you can help at home, online videos, referrals to specialist, etc.  Stuttering sometimes begins when the child is going through a new learning phase and it disappears as quickly as it started.

  5. My brothers had this problem when they were kids too. My dad made them read aloud. The trick is to make your kid read aloud, slow and steady and then pick up the pace as days go by.

  6. take him to the pediatric clinic first for a checkup and have him evaluated overall.  this sudden onset may be indicative of a medical and/or emotional condition.  something happening in school or elsewhere may have affected him.  i say this not to alarm you, but little kids can sometimes be frightened or bullied, into not being able to tell if something is wrong.  once this has been done, then speech therapy may be all that's needed.

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