
My 6 yr.old son is extremely intelligent academically. He has problems writing on the lines in class though.?

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Anyone have any idea what the cause of this difficulty could be?




  1. my 6 year old son has this same problem, fantastic at reading and in spelling tests but just can't apply this to his  written work. even his teacher doesn't know what the problem could be!

  2. check out sites below on how to help children's handwriting he is only 6 give him he left handed my son is and his writing not easy to read.don think this major worry at this age

  3. Dyspraxia: It affected me in the way it affects your son.

  4. maybe he needs glasses

  5. it's probably developmental.  some boys are slower to get the fine-motor skills necessarily to write well.  my 6-year-old son is also ahead in math and reading, but has a lot of trouble writing.  talk to the teacher about what she thinks is causing the problem.  your school may also have an occupational therapist who could watch him write and give some input.  in our case, we were told our son was holding the pencil and forming letters correctly, but just hadn't quite mastered the developmental skill of writing yet (the way some kids are late to sit or walk).  if that's the case, just keep giving him lots of practice.

  6. vertigo

  7. well I see no problem there madam, that is a normal thing for a young student well you said that he is intelligent academically that counts you do not have to worry about that. All you have to do is to exercise him so he can able to write on the lines in his class.^_^

  8. i am not sure what his difficulty could be but help him out. He needs to practice to write on the lines so help him out at home. Also, i write sort of diagonally try tiping the page on an angle because some peple just cant write straight.

  9. First of all your child as no problems! He just needs more practise! It's not like he's been writting for 30 years... he's only 6 and i don't think he's been writting for 6 years anyways! Give him time and don't push him! my brother had the same problem, they'll grow out of it!

  10. He might need glasses.  Have his eyes checked.

  11. I have a daughter like this.I got hersome mechanical pencils, which make a big differance. You can try it.

  12. Is it a major problem? My younger brother had handwriting issues until the age of 11!!

    Maybe get some lined paper pads and go over each line with a black pen so that he can practise at home, it makes sure he can see the lines, and reinforces that he shouldn't cross them

  13. have his eyes checked, that might be it... maybe it's something else... though, feed the intelligence, some of the greatest minds were not able to do some 'simple things' that we do daily... Einstein and tying his shoes for example...

  14. at 6 many do not write "on" the line.  it gets better with age.  work with him and help teach him.  heck my kids are 10 and still miss the line here and there.  if you are really concerned i would check his eyes first, sounds like the best option for a "problem" that would cause slanted writing.  speak to the teacher or counselor  for ideas/hints/tips.  my best advice would be to help him and teach him.  make sure to have elementary writing paper with the lines on it

  15. my 5 year old has the same problem........But, so do most of his classmates.  He's gotten alot better just practicing at home.  I'll sit down with him and just watch him, and I just encourage him to "use the lines" when he's writing, we've been doin this for a couple of weeks, and he's improved dramatically.

  16. he is still learning... I wouldn't worry about it too much at that age. My daughter is 6, very very smart also. He is still "getting the hang of it". Most children have handwriting problems through the age of 10 or so. If his teacher doesn't have a problem with it, just work with him at home a little until he gets the hang of it.

  17. sounds like a fine motor issue such as eye-hand coordination. I would submit a letter to the school requesting that your son be evaluated by the school's occupational therapist.

    My son has issues with fine motor skills, visual perception and such and he sees the school occupational therapist once a week to help with the issues. The earlier you catch these kind of things, the better. It could end up that the evaluation shows your son to be on target and then at least you would feel better about it. Better safe than sorry.

  18. Most 6 year olds do not write on the lines properly. He will get it with time and practice. Make sure he is holding the pencil correctly and the paper is not crooked while he is wirting.

  19. This is completely normal.  He just needs to practice, that's all!  Most children around kindergarten age are being thrown new information to learn left and right.  So, it is natural that they aren't a "pro" at everything yet.  Give it time, and your son will do just fine with writing.  Practice, practice, practice.

  20. i wouldnt stress it he is 6 it will improve just give him time. sometimes kids need less of a push/ less pressure.  if he is good at everything else give him time to improve this one thing. just work on it with him, but dont set the focus on writing in between little lines, again he's six, still developeing those skills. i have a 6 year old also and major in early childhood education. as long as you just work with him at home he will improve. try starting with makeing lists instead of full sentances and such. other tip was good also, darken the lines. if it continues to be a problem a year from now then maybe be a bit concerned.

  21. I took my daughter to this doctor.  He tests for convergence, insufficiency and depth perception.  You may want to just check the sight out and see if you have a doctor in your area that does these things.  Since then she has imporved 100%!!  She now has beautiful writing and even better grades.  Hope this helps:)

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