
My 6 yr old son sometimes feels very sad, bed wets and cries. He' s not able to sleep for long -any thoughts?

by Guest58882  |  earlier

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He is the youngest of three and is so rarely happy even though his siblings are loving to him. He is a perfectionist and he is extremely sensitive - getting upset when things are not good or 'fair' or when he feels people are mean. e.g he would cry because someone makes fun of his rocket ship lunch bag saying "1-2-3 Blast Off". We tried to make him see the funny side of it but had to change the lunch bag eventually. We give him hugs and like a lot of boys, he wipes off kisses.

The hardest part is that he is very strong-minded and stubborn and convincing him to do or think in another way is almost impossible. He is a good kid and it breaks our heart to see that he feels alone and unhappy. He does not get much sleep - he wakes up a lot with bad dreams which he does not remember and when he does sleep, he is up at the crack of dawn reading a book or finishing 'a project' no matter what time he goes to bed. How do we help him??




  1. I cant sleep when I drink coke or pepsi.

  2. get him to the pediatrician for a full medical exam.

  3. try getting him a phyciatrist. he seems to be having some emotional problems (not in a bad way! he just needs someone besides mom to share his feelings with)

  4. Is it possible that he could have a form of autism?  Just curious.

  5. don't be affended, but he might have like ocd, or something like that.

  6. It sounds to me like you have a very intelligent son who is under stimulated and emotionally immature for his age.  He needs mentally challenging things to do.  Find him some camps or academic programs to participate in that he can really express himself and use his intellect.  As for the emotional maturity, you have to teach him that.  Being the youngest it sounds like everyone handles him with kit gloves.  It's time t get tough.  Don't indulge his little quirks.  When he starts to have a little breakdown then let him.  The last thing I would recommend is good open communication with him in private.  I'd be concerned about the crying and bed wetting.  These things are usually tied to emotional trauma, abuse or neglect.  Make sure there isn't something that you've missed!  If your family has recently been through a hard time, he may need someone to talk to about his feelings.  Be there for him in every way, but do not indulge bad behavior.  Be compassionate but firm.

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