
My 68vw bug runs fine when it is cold but when it warm it dies as no gas is reaching the collaborator help

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My 68vw bug runs fine when it is cold but when it warm it dies as no gas is reaching the collaborator help




  1. Check the coil- saw several that would not fire when they warmed up.- Saw some points that were so tight that they would not brake when the engine warmed up. Try looking at the choke and see if it is open when the engine is warm. If it is then hold it closed and have some one try to start it. That will at least help separate the hot motor from the starved motor.

  2. Sounds like vapor lock you need to insulate the fuel line going to the carburetor or reroute the fuel line away from the engines heat.

  3. 9 out of 10, it's over heating. Are the paper heating tubes from the fan shroud to the heads ok? Are the cooling fins covered in ****? Get some "Gunk" and spray it all over the heads, then wait a while and hose the whole motor off. If air from the fan doesn't get to the heads, it'll overheat.

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