
My 6month old baby gets up at 4am every night whatever time he goes to do i break his habit?

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My 6month old baby gets up at 4am every night whatever time he goes to do i break his habit?




  1. When The Baby Goes To Bed Try And Stay With It For A While And Rub It's Hands. Get Some Soothing Music Put On To Keep It Sleeping. It Probably Has Some Bad Dreams So Always Keep A Bottle Beside Their Cot Too.

    Hope I Helped !

    Amy x

  2. Dont know if this will help, but my 5 month old did this, and that was the time when it started to get light outside, someone suggested I buy a blackout blind for the room and it has worked, he now sleeps till about 7-8 in the morning...

  3. Does he wake up hungry or for a diapmer change? If so try beating him to it...wake up right before you go to bed for a last feeding or diaper change

  4. keep the room very dark? he she may still need a feed , if so feed he she and he she should go back to sleep. Or do as I did with my three fed them in my bed (when each one was this age ) and went back to sleep with them, at least I got a good nights sleep and so did they. and no I did not ever lie on them or squash them! x

  5. There are many ways, but I find this way to be the best, and it is very recommanded. When your baby starts crying at 4am after checking to make sure he isnt hungry or needs a diaper change, you let your baby cry for a good 5 minutes, making sure you are not in the room, or making sure he doesnt see or hear you. After 5 minutes go over and console him but rubbing him, but dont pick him up, then let him cry for 10 minutes come back and console him, then15minutes, etc. This could go one for 40 minutes the first night, then maybe 30 minutes the next night then maybe 10 minutes the third night. (according to baby 411) this habbit should break within a week. It will be hard to listen to your baby cry but this will help you and him in the long run. Hope this helps!

  6. Is he used to eating around that time?  Or being changed?  He might wake up at 4am for quite a while.  My midwife still has 4am run ins with her 18 month old.

    You can't break the habit.  If he needs something, he needs something.  If he used to need something and doesn't anymore, then the habit will break itself.


    We are born needing. We have need for air, food, sleep, and shelter. We have need for intellectual and physical stimulation. We have a need to be loved and touched.2 If any of these needs goes fully or even partially unattended, the person hurts; and in the case of an emotional wound, the person may spend the rest of his life struggling to soothe the initial hurt.3

    Gesell argues that a child passes through predictable stages of development at predictable times.4 Thus what might seem to become a habit, may be simply a gratification of a need.

    Hymes, in his book Child under Six, describes a habit as an action which can easily be broken. "If you run into any major difficulty at all," he writes, "Beware! You are probably not dealing with an old outworn habit. The chances are that you are tampering with a human need."5

    If the body indicates a need for food, treating it like a habit and disregarding it will not make the hunger go away. Ignoring the sensation of wanting to lie down and sleep will not cure one forever from having to sleep eight hours a day.

    But if one is in the habit of putting his keys in his right pocket, there need be only a worn-out pocket to change the habit from putting the keys in right to the left pocket.

  8. Could be going through a growth spurt. Try feeding more before bedtime. Could be looking for that cup of milk. Start using water at 4am it will discourage waking up. You may have to let the baby cry it out on its own at 4 especially if he/she is getting to get in bed with you, I would wake up too to snuggle.

    The water worked for my 2nd child. The ignoring worked for my 1st. Remember it does take some time for a child to get into a good sleeping patern.

  9. It stinks, but there isn't much you can do. My daughter does the SAME exact thing. Luckily I can usually get her back to sleep until 6 a.m.

    My only advice is to try giving him an extra ounce of formula right before bed. That might help to stretch it out a bit. Unfortunately, most doctors consider 'sleeping through the night' to be a period of 6 or more hours. Your little guy is just an early riser :)

    If you figure out the magical solution, please let me know!

  10. that's a difficult one,because when they get into a habit like that  it's hard to break, but you could perhaps move his cot to a different direction-that throws them sometimes.

    edit; my answer was a serious one.If you move the position of the cot, sometimes the change of direction is enough to alter the sleep pattern.

    I have decided to come back and explain this as i realise by saying 'this throws them' you may have thought i was somehow joking.Folk from the UK would understand the expression i used.

  11. ha wish i knew is the baby breast or bottle fed? weaned? my boy is almost 6mnths and iv never had a full nights sleep at one point i was up 8 times during the night! he stil gets up at 4am too it all depends on my first questions

    if you havent already he may want to be weaned

    if they dont eat enough solids during the day they may not sleep well

    also if he/she is still in same room as you maybe he/she needs to be in their own room etc

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