
My 6wk old lop eared rabbit's ear is positioned funny. will it fix itself or should i be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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my english lop's left ear is pointed back and to the right, touching his right shoulder. his right ear appears to be normal. i was wondering if this is a developmental thing that will correct itself or if this will cause problems for him later in life. if anyone has any info, please let me know.




  1. Its fine, it's not a problem. It's just a quirk. It won't harm him, and it may or may not fix itself. He'll be fine.

  2. Sometimes young rabbits ears go a bit funny. It might correct itself or stay like that but it shouldn't be an issue unless you see something else that could be making him ill along with it.

    One of my rabbits has lop ears, except hers stick outward a little more and she can still move them around. If a rabbit has ears that stick out completely they are called 'helicopters'. Sometimes rabbits with upright ears will 'wilt' down to lops.

  3.'s fine.

    there are only two things to explain this:

    one is that your rabbit may be having it's maturity stage will come down once it becomes a full adult.

    second is that it's will normally fix happens on most animals.nothing to worry.

    i hope i helped!

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