
My 6y/o daughter has a fever and is complaining about her hands feeling funny.?

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She developed the fever last night and keeps talking about her hands and legs "feeling weird". Any clues??




  1. i would call her dr and ask him.

  2. Sounds like she is dehdrated, my hands always feel really funny and hot and dry when I am sick and not getting enough fluids. When I was seven I was really sick and my hands felt that way but I couldnt describe it, I eventually had to go on a drip to get fluids into me as I was throwing up everything for a few days so be careful if she cant keep anything down, if she can get her some pedialite or diorilite.

  3. If you can take her blood pressure, it sounds like it is though the roof. When you blood pressure spikes it can cause a fever because your heart is working so hard. And she could be feeling the pulse in her hands thats why they feel funny. If you can't take her blood pressure I would take her to a hospital, or even fire station and have them do it. If her blood pressure is too high for too long it can cause long lasting effects.

  4. If it were me, I'd call the doctor and just ask if it sounded like anything to worry about (and definitely not rely on anyone like me who answered here).  But hand-foot-and-mouth disease is pretty common and involves a fever and eventually sores on the hands and feet (and mouth, obviously).  I don't know if you can feel something odd before the sores break out.

    Obviously it could be something quite different.  As I said, I'd call in the doctor and ask if those symptoms merited a check.

  5. Just a guess but maybe she has  aflu and is expirience body aches.  It happens to me everytime I get a flu or a fever.  I feel like my skin is going to crawl off adn my hands get sweaty and my legs hurt.  I would call a Dr.  If you are truely concerned or if her fever goes up to over 104, take her to the ER.  Otherwise wait it out to see if the funny feelings go away with the fever.

  6. I would immediatly call the doctor.

  7. call your doctor

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