
My 6yr old son has a short attention span it shows in his grades any suggestions on what can do to help him?

by Guest58558  |  earlier

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My 6yr old son has a short attention span it shows in his grades any suggestions on what can do to help him?




  1. Be sure that your child is not a "couch potato". Since children sit for sometimes long periods of time in school, it is crucial that they get fresh air and exercise in the afternoons and on weekends. This may help your child "burn off" excess energy.

    In addition, children at this age need at least 9 hours of sleep each night and a good breakfast each morning. Limit sugary treats and provide nutritious snacks. Ask your child's teacher about his eating habits at school. If he is not eating the school lunch, pack him a healthy lunch from home.

    A check up at your doctor's office does not have to mean a prescription for Ritalin. As a former teacher, I always tried to have students with attention problems checked for any hearing or vision problems early in the school year. If your doctor does suspect ADHD, there are many things the teacher can do to deal with this problem whether or not you decide to use medication.

    Lastly, involve your school's counselor. At your request, she can visit the classroom to observe your student for behaviors that are out of the ordinary for a 6 yr old.

  2. Read with him and have him engage with the text- draw connections to what he sees and experiences in his daily life.

  3. Relax, children at 6 years old mature rapidly, but a different times.  Grades, this is subjective measuring. A 6 year old should not receive grades.  It would be better if they showed you each objective that was taught and if your son passed that objective.  Also ask the teacher to send home weekly what objectives in the subject matters will be taught and how they will be assessed.  At this age objective build on one another.  A concerned retired teacher who taught 6 year olds for ten years.

  4. Have you tried asking your doctor if this is a medical problem?  Maybe he also just needs to grow up more and he will be able to focus better.  Each child is so individual, it's hard to answer without actually knowing your son.  What does his teacher suggest?

  5. It could be ADD or ADHD contact your doctor about getting him tested... my son is 6 also and he has adhd  he is currently on meds and doing much better.

  6. Sometimes it helps for a child to have an area to work on a paper or project at a table alone. Papers such as tracing, coloring and sorting. A teacher or other adult can encourage him to continue the work. I have given children gum that they chew until they finish their work. This is from experience with prekindergarten children.

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