
My 6yr old wont sleep at night?

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Hi i have a 6yr old that just wont go to sleep at night its not every night. but most nights, we are not overly active during the day, she goes to school and she is not even tired during the day. she gets up at 7.30am in the morning and i have to wake her in the morning, but sometimes she does get up that early on her own. I try to put her to bed around 8pm but she will sit there and just sing till 11-12 i feel thats to late is it? is that normal for a little girl. what can i do how can get to sleep sooner surly it cant be healthy for her.

Help me anyone




  1. put a nightlight in her room and let her go to sleep at her own pace.  eliminate stimulation an hour before bed -this includes TV, bright lights, and most foods.  be sure her room contains lotsa good books to read.

  2. She might be overly active before bedtime calm her down around 6pm and watch a movie with her, no sugar!!!!  Also put a white noise in her bedroom, a fan or something that will make a mild constant noise, try giving her a turkey dinner one night this week and she'll be out like a light there is a chemical in turkey that wears your down

  3. She has to be getting sugar and/or caffeine. You may not even realize how much sugar she is getting. Many foods and drinks have a lot of sugar in them and people do not realize. Fruit juice has a lot even apple sauce is as much sugar as a candy bar.

    Stop all sugar and caffeine after 5pm and get her more active after school so she gets worn out. She needs to be getting her rest or she will be too tired at school to learn anything.

  4. As long as she stays in her bed don't worry about it.  Singing to herself if not harmful at all; she will fall asleep when she is tired enough.

  5. try to lower her activites during the evening. instead of watching tv or playing sports, make her play with dolls or read books. Is she having nightmares at night? if she is, you should probably renovate her room or something to help her feel more comfortable

  6. my daughter is just like that...her bedtime is 8 and sometimes she will be up until 10 reading books or whatever. I think it has something to do with growing pains because my daughter is going through a growth spurt right now...11 and 12 is too late for her to stay up but it's not like you can FORCE her to sleep...just keep the room dark and maybe try staying in her room for awhile and run your fingers through her hair or something (my daughters love when I do this, it relaxes them) until she falls asleep.

  7. you need to get her active after class, swimming, bike riding, sports something. Then make sure the last hour is a quiet time. Burn some lavender, give her a bath and a massage, You right, she needs more sleep

  8. i remember when i was young my mom was upset at me and my siblings and told us we should go to bed around 6 or 7 .. maybe you should try that? or maybe you can invite her to sleep in your room for a day. my mom would sometimes scratch my back or massage it or pound on it with her fist like in a punching motion .. not hard obviously, like a light hit (massage?) but i liked it  [= maybe your daughter needs a nightlight? and nightmares are bad so you should probably talk to her - maybe somethings on her mind at school? and 11-12 is DEFFINITELY too late for a 6 yr old. seems weird that im telling you how to raise your child but im only 14 and i go to bed around 11/12 so thats deffinitely not a very good time for your 6 yr old to go to bed too .. maybe she has insomnia - my friend has it she stays up till like 2am on a school night and for us, school starts at 6am ! ! !?

  9. Make sure they aren't watching tv close to bed time or drinking caffeine (which she should be having at all). Take an hour and do quieter things like stories and a bath. Try putting her to bed maybe a half an hour later, like 8:30.

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