
My 6yr old would like to take part in our base jumping tomorrow,should we as responsible parents allow her...?

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Some other parents allow it from 8yrs old.




  1. No. Would you let them drive your car? It's just way too young. Let them grow up first, then when they understand the consequences of base jumping they can then decide if they want to take the risk. At the moment they don't understand enough so you have to do it for them.

  2. age 6 i dnt think thats a good idea

  3. I would have thought a more pertinent question would be, as we want to be responsible parents should WE be base jumping?

  4. please tell me ur joking!!! i know theres more dangerous things out there but ur surely not really thinking about letting a 6 yr old go base jumping are u?? even an at 8 thats just wrong!! what kind of parents must you be? fair enough if ur goin off 2 get an adrenaline buzz but ur adults! and ur child only wants to do it cause mummy and daddy do! im a mum of 1 and would never dream of letting my child come with me to do something like that!!

  5. i'm astonished you are even thinking about it. in my opinion 8yrs old is also too young. it's a dangerous sport, that is illegal in some places. wait until they've reached their teens.

  6. No way. It's way to young.

  7. i think 6 year olds are too young for that.

    i understand you want them to have fun. but safety first.

    wait until they are 8-10 at the least.

    but you have fun =]

  8. We all love our kids ...well mostly all of us and we think we should love them and let them get away with some stuff

    but base jumping is basically falling off a cliff

    and kids at that age suggest anything and if you let her get away with it then shell expect that from you again and again!!!

  9. I think 6 is way to young in my opinion and so is 8 years old. How responsible are you parents!

  10. 6 is still pretty young. Id at least wait until 8.

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