
My 7 1/2 month old wont sleep lately ?

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she only sleeps about 2 hours in the day and at night about 8 i will breastfeed her and by 8:30 9:00 shes a sleep then about 3:00in the morning she wants to get up and play for 3 hours then she will go back to sleep for about and hour then wake up what is going on i thought baby's were suppose to sleep alot . last week she would sleep all the night this week she acts like she's not comfortable she tosses and turns whats going on.




  1. A couple of things might be going on....she might be too hot at night, her nose might be stuffy when she is trying to sleep, maybe cutting a tooth? Or she maybe she knows that if she gets up you will come and get her out of her crib and she just wants to play because you let her. What if you check on her when she wakes up, don't turn on the light. Lay her back down and walk out of the room. Stand at the door where she can't see you and see what she does. If she cries, this sounds really mean but let her cry it out. I had to do this to my son and that is what everyone told me to do. It was so hard, I even cried. But, after a week, he was back to sleep like he normally would. You could also try giving her a relaxing warm bath right before bedtime with the sleepy time soap and give her a massage with the sleepy time lotion. That stuff smells so good!! Maybe that will lull her into a deeper sleep. Good Luck and hope this helped!!!

  2. it happens..she might be teething my daughter wakes up in the middle of the night only when she is teething..also when she wakes up keep the lights low don't really talk to want her to get the idea that when she wakes up in the middle of the night it is no fun..don't play...keep it sleep time  

  3. teething.  give her a little motrin and keep the lights low for feedings and put her back to sleep

  4. Is she teething? Constipated? Teething causes them pain and can make them restless and crabby and not want to sleep. Being constipated causes tummy pain and a bit of crying. By her age, most on average take 2-3 naps a day, and sleep about 9 hours at night. Every child is different though.

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