
My 7.5 year old daughter........

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left my cell phone in the store. we went back to see if it wa still there and unfortunatley it was not! i am so pissed with her i dont know what to do. as i was talking to her ( telling her she should have never taken my phone out the house) she yelled in my face! saying "i didnt hear you"!! i smacked the h**l out of her, however she continued to yell at me as if i were a child her age, and kept screaming out loud because she was mad i hit her, while walking down the street. i didnt want to discipline her too much while in public because you never know what others around you may do, like call the police or something. so i told her wait until we get in the house and i will deal with her. but in the mean time she better go in her room and dont come out. i know i am a wonderful mother. i teach my child all the right things to do, and i know children will be children but this is too much for me. it actually shoocked the h**l out of me. she has never yelled at me like that before, ever. what should i do at this point? i have calmed down some, but i am still pissed off. also, a guy found my phone and called and i met him and got it back, thank god!! just give me some advice. thanks!!!




  1. honestly you shouldn't have "smacked the h**l out of her". was it in public when you did that?? if so she probably got even more furious because you did that in public and its humiliating getting hit in public by your own mother trust me i know. and she probably yelled at you because you kept bitching about her leaving your cell in the store. well honestly hun your right kids will be kids. she took your phone cuz she probably wanted to be just like mommy! as for the discipline. you should've said "i'm mad that you took my phone. now we'll talk about this when we get home" that way she wouldnt get annoyed with you bitching. then when you got home you should've sat her down and talked to her that it was not right to take your phone and sent her to her room for a timeout. KIDS LISTEN BETTER WHEN YOUR NOT YELLING AND COMPLAINING TO THEM WHEN THEY DO SOMETHING WRONG. THEY FEEL MORE COMFORTED WHEN YOU TALK TO THEM. also its been proven through facts and what not. children who were spanked as a child grow up to have anger issues whethere it shows or not. i know it did for me and my sisters and brother and all my cousins. and even its showing in a view kids at my preschool

  2. Why can't you keep track of your things? It is rather strange that your 7 year old can trick you that way.

    I spank my children when they won't listen any other way, but that is two healthy pops on the butt (and only my 5 year old anymore as my other kids are teens). Smacking the h**l out of her is abusive.

    Calm down. Breathe. Then give her a consequence she won't forget like no TV or video games or computer for six months.

    If it is not the first time it has happened I do not know why you did not apply more security to your phone, like keeping it on you.

    You do not sound like a wonderful mother to me. You should have imposed a consequence the first time to take care of the matter once and for all.

  3. This is the way I would have handled the situation.

    When you told her she should have never taken the phone out of the house and then she yelled at you, I would not have smacked her. I would have told her "You don't need to yell when you talk to me" She would have given you a different reaction and it wouldn't have blown over like it did.

    Dont forget it is only a phone. WHat if you lost her? You can replace a phone but not your own blood

  4. This is a problem that is NOT solely one thing.First of all, why did your 7 1/2 year old have your cell phone to begin with and why is a 7 year old aloud out to go to a store (or anywhere else for that matter) on her own without an adult taking her?   Secondly threatening with "you wait till we get inside" and then as you put it "smacked the h**l out of her", get counselling for yourself because you sound like you have anger issues and over reacting to something as petty as stupid phone in this way is out of line.  You've made your phone more important that the kid and that is wrong.  A stupid phone can be replaced but your daughters emotions and trust in you CAN NOT.

    I'm sure your child didn't deliberately leave something and probably felt bad as it was without an outburst.  The adult thing to have done would have been to tell her you are upset with what happened, then call your phone carrier and report the phone lost. If you had insurance on it you could have it replaced, otherwise, just get a new phone and cancel the account on that one.  Yes, it would have been a pain in the neck, but again, it was your phone and you shouldn't let a 7 year old fool with it. Kids don't understand those things cost money the same way adults do.  Maybe her yelling "i didn't hear you" is her frustration at your anger and possibly maybe she really didn't hear you say it. In that case give her the benefit of the doubt this time.  In the future DO NOT let a 7 year old go somewhere alone and keep your phone where she can't get to it.  There are alot worse things that could have happened to her alone than just a lost phone.  

  5. never smack your daughter if i saw you id report you to child services in a second!

  6. seek  counceling  for  both  she  does  not  respect  you  

  7. Why didi YOU have the phone put away in the first place?  You caused physical pain to your daughter when it was your fault your phone was where she could get to it to begin with.  And you think you're a wonderful mom?  

  8. First off there is nothing wrong with disciplining your children. I have a 7 year old and I think the yelling is a phase that they go through. What I do is when my daughter or any of my kids talk to me disrespectfully I make them go to there rooms and I tell them that I will not listen or talk to them until they can talk to me right. And I follow through with it. Maybe that will work for you.  

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