
My 7 month old baby cries every time someone else (family) try to carry her or play with her..??. ?

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my 7 month old baby cries every time someone else (family) try to carry her or play with her... and she cries every time i leave her alone with her grandparents, what can i do to help her be more outgoing? at home she is very happy and loves to play by herself, but when there is other people around she is very shy, and i come from a very big family so its kind of hard to bring her to the family reunion..




  1. i got a booklet at my sons 6 mo appt about this.  they say it's just your daughter being shy.  you should take the time to introduce her to new people and make sure that nobody picks her up without spending a little time interacting with her.  

    it's work for all in the family, but little by little it will ease away.  they could try sitting with you when you read to her, laying down and playing with her.

  2. she has separation anxiety.  let your family hold her while you're right there and gradually get farther away.   let her see you while they hold her. also let another person feed her if she's not breast-fed.

  3. she is just very attached to you. when giving it to someone else, stay close but try to make your child get used to having a relationship with other people. if this doesn't resolve, read books on the subject or contact someone that specifies in the area.

  4. This is normal. The thing with babies/toddlers if they are around certain people most of the time they adapt to your voice and when they hear new voices it may scare them or just take some getting use to. Anything new to a child they will act shy or fussy because they are not use to certain type of noises in their house or they might not like a certain noise in someone else's house take the grandparent's for instance but you child should get use to it if not maybe you should let them come to your house until the baby feels more comfortable with their voices and allow them to take her places. See if this is the problem if not she will come around to being more outgoing I would not force it on the baby to be outgoing the baby time will come to become outgoing you and your family will have to be patient. Good Luck!

  5. my  baby is that to  


    "My seven-month-old is glued to me. She refuses to go to anyone else, not even my husband. I can't even leave the room without her screaming. I need a break. Help!"

    This is something that many families face. Even the most involved dad can experience this rejection. It is nothing that dad did or did not do.

    The first thing to understand is that THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. It is called stranger anxiety and separation anxiety, and is developmentally appropriate for infants during the second half of their first year. Many babies simple become "glued to mom" for a few months. It will pass with time.

    Now that you know this, what can you do to shorten this phase and get baby to be more comfortable with dad too?

       1. Spend more intimate family time together - let your baby see dad and mom being close and affectionate. Moms, give your babies that message that "I love this man, he is safe and fun!"

       2. Let baby hear your voice - moms, as you step out of the room for a minute, talk to your baby in a reassuring voice until you come back. Baby will learn that you are still near, and baby is safe, while you are in the next room.

       3. Family walks - go for frequent family outings. Have dad carry baby around most of the time. Baby may be too distracted by the surroundings to realize he is in the "wrong" parents arms.

    Above all, realize that this phase will pass. This is NOT rejection. It is development.

  7. i know a baby who used to cry when her own dad held her. each baby is different and you cant expect them to adapt to every situation in the perfect way. (& theres no way for her to know that its family) she will loosen up eventually but it may take some time so handle the situation carefully!

  8. at this age it's normal even more if u breastfed as they get appatenance easly and recomfort in their parents. My daughter who now 16 mths was exactly the same at the ages your baby is. now she only does it when she tired. wich is still annoying but kinda sweet.. as time goes it will ease as the baby will get to know other people.. try having him babysat after 5mins he will realize it's safe to be around them etc...  

  9. She'll outgrow it. That's the age when babies get major "Mommy only" syndrome.  

  10. MY little brother was like that until he was 2.

    im sorry but i don't have an answer ... i guess he was just getting used to it. but its normal so no worries. but she has to get used to it & she eventually will ...  

  11. inteduse her to them here's your nanny such and such leave her in the room with her for a while and then she will get used to her don't try to impact to much on her just take it slow and one at a time the more shes around them the more comfortable go out of the room when shes not looking then leave them for abit one on one she will soon get used to them trust me just takes time  

  12. Maybe you should also give her something that will boost her immune system and help with normal groth and mental development.  The Zinplex Junior Syrup also helps with maintaining of the nervous system, improving concentration and reduce hyperactivity, combating colds, oral trush and runny noses.  They call it natures own antibiotic.

    Not expensive at all.

    You can get this online at

  13. try to get her use to your family member one person at a time because at this young of an age, they recognize people by their scent and also little attitudes and way that people react so instead of bringing her right away to a big family reunion, try to invite one or two over at a time and have her get use to it.  

  14. she will get used to it, just make sure to leave her with nice relatives by herself and she should get used to it. Even if she cries for a while

  15. bring her to see fam. more often

  16. you cant help a baby be more outgoing


    what i do when we have a new shy baby in the family

    we have to make sure the baby is comfortable with the person and see them more often so they wont be so shy.

    i think that baby is okay the way she is just let her get uset to everyone.

  17. well right now whe is in what Psychologist Erikson would call the trust vs mistrust stage which means she is trying to develop pshchosocially and learn to trust others which is very hard at this stage, have the other family members engage in fun acitvities with her while near you until she is comfortable with that familiy member- so she will develop that trust in them. ;> NO it is not unusual and do not just leave her with them to "get used to it" that will further cause the problem of the mistrust she is facing.  once she develops at this stage she will move on and enter a new developmental stage.

  18. evan williams.

  19. she's just not used to them i guess

  20. When she cries, what do you do?  If you immediately go and take pick her up, then she won't stop.  It will be hard, but you have to let her cry sometimes.  She will eventually get used to the fact that you don't have to come running every time she makes a noise and will learn to be more independent.

  21. my little baby is like that leave her with family more often she will get used to it good luck

  22. I think the best thing to do is bring her around a bunch of people more often, she is at a very young age and it should be easier to get her used to being around people. Even if she cries or gets nervous, you have to let her expeirence being with people other than her parents. If she doesn't get used to people (especially her family) it'll be very hard for her in pre-school, kindergarten, etc. etc. Try taking her out around people more often. Let different people hold her and interact with her, without you insight. If she sees you she knows there is somewhere she can go where she will be content, so she will keep crying and crying until you take her back. But if you aren't around, she's eventually going to have to let someone hold her and feel comfortable, and she will eventually stop crying. I know it will probably be hard to hear your baby cry, but it's not hurting her, and she has to do this eventually! I'm sure everything will work, she's still very young and when she learns that everyone will treat her just as good as mommy and daddy, she should be fine! Good luck :)

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