
My 7 month old baby doesn't drink her formula,she is drinking about 12 oz a day and 2 jars of 1st food?

by  |  earlier

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is that enough, her doctor is not worried , what do i do




  1. Offer the formula first and the baby food as a supplement to the formula. Her formula intake is much more important than her food intake. So if you are giving her a jar of baby food and then offering the bottle, she wont drink as much as she needs because she has solids sitting on her stomach. Its kind of like with young children. If you let them drink all their juice before they eat dinner, they probably wont eat as much food, when clearly the food is more important than the juice. At 7 months old formula is much more important and gives baby more vitamins and nutrients than food can right now. After a few more months, her food intake will become more and more important.

  2. I think I would be a little bit concerned that she is dehydrated. Perhaps she's not hungry enough for the weight of the formula. Have you tried giving her plain water? It won't fill her up as much but it will at least keep her hydrated. If she doesn't like it plain, try adding a squirt or two of lemon juice. That usually gives it the flavor babies like without the sugar. Good luck!

  3. Lets see here her doctor is not worried seems like the operative word here.

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