
My 7 month old baby sleeps so much!!

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I am definitely NOT complaining, but my baby loves himself some good sleep. He's been sleeping 12 hours through the night since around 3 months or so, and he still does, even though he's 7 months old now.

He also takes an hour-long morning nap, a 3-hour afternoon nap, and sometimes even a 30-min "tie-over" nap before dinner. I love it to pieces, and he seems happy, but everyone I've told just drops their jaw and can't believe it. He's healthy, eats a lot, poops a lot, and besides teething, is a pretty happy baby.

Anyone else have a baby that sleeps this much??




  1. My daughter is 9 months and almost sleeps as much as your son.  She sleeps about 12-13 hours straight at night and takes a 2 hour (sometimes 3 hour) nap in the afternoon. Guess we're just lucky!

  2. it is very normal. You should be happy for a baby that sleeps a lot. But if you don't like it then wake him up every once and awhile ok! Best of Luck

  3. WOW you are one lucky mommy!! My 7 month old, has 2 naps .. One in the morning/afternoon - then again in the evening. He is usually awake more then he should be.  

  4. Yes my 7 month 2 week son also sleeps so much I was kind of getting worried!  I am very thankful for this blessing but was worried considering everyone tells you to get your sleep before you have him!  He sleeps about 13 hours at night wakes up has breakfast, takes another hour and a 1/2 nap has lunch and plays, takes another 30 minute to an hour nap, wakes up has a snack plays some more and takes another hour nap around 5pm.  Dinner, bath then bed!  His naps are starting to get smaller now that hes getting older but he still wants them.  He also is waking up a couple of times at night but I just go in there give him his paci and he's back out.  I guess he gets it from me, I love to sleep too so I am not complaining!

  5. no but i hope mine does!

  6. I'm glad to know I share in the luck. My son has slept like that since he was 3 weeks old and it still continues and he is 18 months now. It's so nice to know what a good nights sleep feels like, even with a baby! lol I'm sure we won't be as lucky with our next ones, so cherish it now! I know I do!  

  7. im sorry to tell you this, but your baby is turning into an elephant

  8. Doesn't sound like so much at all.  Sounds like a normal, healthy baby.  This is the time when their growth hormone can really be released and do its work!  That is why some moms seem to think their baby grew overnight - because literally they do sometimes!

  9. its perfectly normal u should be thankfull to GOD that u get some free time


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