
My 7 month old daughter is having sleep problems

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I have a 7 month old daughter who was doing well with the cryout method recently she reverted and wont take naps or sleep through the night...I have a bedtime routine and nap routine but she screams at the top of her lungs for an hour.. The only way she will sleep is if we hold her..PLEASE HELP!




  1. My 7 month daughter was doing this about a month ago. Turned out that she was teething and was comforted from the pain by me holding her. Try giving her some teething medicine and see if she stops fussing so much.

  2. "The only way she will sleep is if we hold her..PLEASE HELP!"

    So, hold her.

    She's only going to be a baby for a very short time...

    Probably time to scrap the "routine." Just make with the cuddles.

  3. I don't mean this in a rude or snarky way- but she obviously didn't do well with the cryout method if has "reverted" & she's screaming for an hour.

    If the only way she'll sleep is while she's held- sounds like you have your answer.  Hold her.  What's so wrong with that?  There will always be housework to do.  Always be laundry to do.  You won't always have a baby to hold.  Being a mother means your needs get knocked down to second tier.  I'd gladly miss a meal or two if my 2 year old would slow down and snuggle with me!

  4. I disagree! My daughter is 8 months old and did the exact same thing at 7months. Yeah you can hold her and never get anything done!!!! Now I put her in her crib and she cries for a little bit and goes to sleep. It was like 5 days of tourture listening to her scream for a LONG time. Not she does really well and goes to sleep like clockwork.  

  5. Our 10 month old just recently started doing this as well, he has since almost eliminated his morning nap, and he likes to have Mommy and Daddy all to himself for about an hour after his older sisters go to bed at night. We have discovered  it is much more pleasant to just cuddle with him for an hour or so before we lay him down for bed. He is much happier and sleeps through the night when he gets his time with Mommy and Daddy. I would still stick to the routine at bedtime, but adapt it to include more cuddle time, maybe she is ready to reduce her naps during the day too. Just try adjusting the schedule and routines a little to find what works. It will take patience and lots of trial and error, but what part of parenting doesn't?!?

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