
My 7 month old is teething help?

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My 7 month old has had diarrhea for a few days now. He is not fussy and he seems to feel well. We have not introduced any new foods. I have heard that sometimes teething can cause diarrhea. He is still eating solids and drinking Pedialyte. He got his bottom two teeth at 4 months old and is now cutting 5 teeth at the top. Should I be concerned?




  1. I would not be concerned unless:

    1. He starts running a fever greater than 100' for 3 days

    2. His diarrhea lasts longer than 2 weeks

    You are right, the diarrhea can be a result of teething.

    Offer him teething tablets (can be bought at Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, etc.), they are wonderful.  They help with the pain, and dissolve in his mouth instantly.  Continue with Motrin as directed by the bottle for your child.

    If the diarreah lasts longer than 2 weeks, take him to the peds.  They will test it for sources of the illness.

    Keep Blamex or whatever hiney ointment you use on him each diaper change to help keep from getting a diaper rash from really acidic stools during this time.

    Good luck!!

  2. Sometimes "teething diarrhea" is really watery like and lasts until they actually cut the teeth through the gums. I don't know how but teething messes up everything! If he ever does seem like he doesn't feel well- Hyland's teething tablets are AWESOME. They are homopathic and they have no medicine in them but they have helped my son ever since he started teething. Good luck with your baby, I would think he is fine as long as he is getting in the food and Pedialyte. (:

  3. I found this article.

    Debate continues as to whether teething causes diarrhea or not. What’s clear is, many parents report loose stools while their baby’s teeth are erupting. This could be a) coincidental, due to the fact that the level of immunity they received from being in the mother’s womb drops off and the child’s immune system must take over, at around the same time as teething starts, and b) when teething begins, all manner of things are put into the mouth, germs and all. Whatever the reason, diarrhea is a pain in the butt.

    Another theory about diarrhea during teething is that since baby is drooling so much, a lot more saliva is passing through the system, diluting nutrients and adding more acidic content to the mix. It is normal that stools contain enzymes that help digest food. During teething, stools pass through the intestines more quickly thanks to the copious saliva and take with them more acidic matter. The enzymes affect the soft skin of baby’s bottom, resulting in a rash that can be painful, or at the least irritating.

    How to handle diaper rash from diarrhea

    Though it may seem like stating the obvious, frequent diaper changes are essential, with or without soiling. Urine can sting the affected area, and can be generally uncomfortable anyway. Allowing the area to air dry can also be helpful and if at all possible, you can let your child wander around without a diaper. This may be ill advised if the diarrhea is particularly frequent, of course.

    Rinse your baby’s bottom with clean water and a washcloth. Using baby wipes will only irritate the area so avoid those except when necessary, such as when away from home.

    Petroleum jelly can be of help, particularly when trying to keep diaper rash at bay. It provides a barrier from the acid and enzymes that would degenerate the sensitive skin.

    Changes to diet

    While your baby is afflicted with diarrhea, you can try introducing various foods that are known to alleviate the symptoms or at least not exacerbate them. Carrots, bananas, potatoes and applesauce are all helpful, and rice cereal is also recommended. Avoid fruit juices, plums, prunes, apricots, peas, peaches and pears. Blueberries and bilberries are also wonderful for helping with diarrhea.

    You might also like to consider the homeopathic remedy of chamomile for diarrhea in teething. Seek your doctor’s advice before using any homeopathic ingredients, and avoid chamomile if your child has suffered from hay fever. Chamomile has calming properties as well and if your baby is cranky, irritable or clingy, it can be of use and can be offered in tea form in baby’s bottle.

    When trying to determine whether your baby is suffering teething related diarrhea or a virus, examine all possibilities and even take her along to the doctor for a checkup. You don’t want to miss signs of a virus that could require a different course of treatment. Better to be safe than sorry, as the saying goes.

    Also, if your baby passes more than six to eight watery stools in a single day, or begins vomiting in addition to the diarrhea, it’s time to call the doctor promptly.

  4. It can never hurt to call your doctor, that's what you're paying them for.  Five teeth on the top!?!  That's quite a lot for such a little guy in a short time span.  As long as he is eating, peeing, pooping and sleeping normally, I would be happy.  Besides, once the teeth are in, he'll feel much better.  I try not to medicate my baby (just turned one) unless she really really is aching for it.  Good luck!!

  5. Wow, 5 teeth all at once, that's insane!! I wouldn't be concerned, just buy some Baby Orajel and Humphrey teething pellets. Another great trick is to wet a washcloth and squeeze most of the water out, then freeze it and give it to your son to chew on. As for the diarrhea I would give him more bananas and rice cereal then usual to help harden his stools a little. Also don't be afraid to just call your pediatricians office and speak to a nurse, they can offer lots of advice.

  6. Make sure you put extra desitin on his bottom.  I would not be concerned about the amount of teeth coming in at once.  As long as he is acting like he feels well and is having plenty of pee pee diapers(not dehyrated) i would let it runs its course.

  7. nope try giving the baby  some infant motrin  it will help the pain.. my daughter had diarrhea every time she cut teeth.. and my son cut teeth in groups.. so hes fine..

  8. It might just be from the pain If it gets worse go to a doctor and ask for childrens moltrin/tylenol

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