
My 7 month old puppy has very bad runny poops?

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My 7 month old puppy has had very bad runny poopies.

It's getting bad, they're like squirting out, followed by bad gas.

Everything she eats seems to go right through her.

Give me advice, don't just say, "Take her to the vet!"




  1. Check the food your giving her, if the first or second ingredient says ''oats'' or anything related it to it, consider getting a new pup food. A lot of shelf brands are actually not the best food for your dog. In the mean time, give your dog a little bit of cooked rice with no water, it should get rid of her diarrhea.  

  2. She might have Parvo.  Take her to the vet!

  3. If its been going on for a week, it wouldn't hurt to call a vet first and get some recommendations from there. If that doesn't work, a vet is your best option. They can do a fecal analysis to figure out whats wrong.

    It could possibly we worms but from what you are saying, it sounds a bit more serious. Have you recently switched her food? If so, that could be the cause.

    You could feed her plain brown rice if you want to try more options before consulting a vet but if that doesnt' seem to work within a few days, don't continue with it. Pumpkin is usually for constipation...I personally wouldn't recommend it if your dog has diarrhea. You could give pumpkin but I just don't think its necessary.  

  4. Ok look here.  

    There are lot of things this could be. No one here is a vet or can treat your dog over the internet.  It's a puppy so this could be as benign as worms or as serious as parvo.  If it's been a week it is most likely not parvo as it would be dead by now.  BUT!!!!....You really need a vets proffesional opinion not some one here to throw darts at the wall and hope we give you the right

    "Take her to the vet!"

  5. Maybe she has gotten some people food that doesn't agree with her, so I would only giver her some dry food until it passes.

  6. Canned pumpkin or chicken with rice.  I would hold off on anything else to let her system clear.  If there is any blood in the stool it could be something more serious, like Parvovirus.  If your dog has parvo you have little time to get it to the vet.  I would be careful brushing off diarrhea as something not important.

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