
My 7 month only drinks about 15-20 ounces of formula a day

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My 7 month only drinks about 15-20 ounces of formula a day




  1. Since 6mnths my daughter has only drank 12oz of formula a day and shes 10mnth now. She also has solids... health visitor says its ok as long as she still gaining weight and eating well

  2. I just have to say... DJ's mom.... you are horrible, stop badgering women for not breastfeeding!!!!

  3. a statement or a question?

  4. Why are you not still breastfeeding, if you were breastfeeding your child would be telling your body how much you need to produce.  You should restart, contact this group for information on how to induce relactation

  5. a baby will only take what it needs,or you could consider a change in formula,maybe the one you use is too heavy on the tummy,and don't be bullied back into breast feeding some people don't realise how much stress this causes mums.

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