
My 7 week old has tiny dry spots all over his face.?

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At first they started out as small pimples, but now his face is dry and red with tiny spots from cheeks to scalp.This has been going on and getting worse in the past couple of weeks.

He has also started to get pimples on is chest.

Is all this normal??




  1. Babies have crazy skin due to hormones left over from being inside momma and due to their immature oil glands. Faces are particularly sensitive. It's perfectly normal for them to have dry skin and patches. Just make sure you are using a VERY mild infant soap when you wash him.   They have a mild cream for problems like this called baby faces, wait until after you see the doctor though before applying it as it can make some conditions worse.   The pimples are absolutely normal as well.

  2. It sounds like baby acne.  It is extremely common.  My son had that, and he also had Seborrhea which is dry skin.  My doctor said to put hydrocortisone on the dry spots, but I would wait until your baby's check up to do that just in case it is something else.

  3. Sounds like baby acne. My son had it as well. It was on and off for about 4 months. Our health nurse told us not to put anything on it and to just keep it clean. It eventually went away on its own.

  4. it might be eczema.

    if it is, it is nothing really to worry about, otherwise see a dr and they can probably prescribe or tell you of something to use to relieve the dryness or the condition

  5. Hi there, my baby had tiny red spots in scalp and dryness as well but they went away only by not putting any lotion on it nor wiping with anything except clean tissue and warm water. But you should go 2 the Doc

  6. babys can get a milk rash or milk spots. they will go away if his face is dry put some sorbolene cream on him and next time ask your nurse or doctor about it.

  7. Have you checked out the skin disease Eczema? I'm pretty sure that's what it is called. Anyway, that could be the cause of it. I know a person with something similar, but under the nose. It's dry and red and it has tiny bumps. I'm not positive about this, but you should probably check out Eczema. Talk to a doctor or do some research on that skin disease. Hope i helped!

  8. Talk to his doctor on your next visit. Since your son is 7 weeks old, he should have his 2 months visit pretty soon?

    It could be eczema, a small rash, an allergic rash or even a reaction to the soaps and/or laundry detergent you use.

    Do you want his face with soap? Its recommended that you just use warm water on his face until he's a bit older.

    Do you use lotions, oils, etc? Because they can irritate his skin as well.

    Just show your baby's doctor your concern and they should be able to help you more! It could be many different things, but don't let it get out of hand without talking to his doctor about it!

    Good luck <3

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