
My 7 week old is starving?

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My 7 week old son ate 8oz two hours ago! now, he's crying like he's starving already! How can this be? he's too young to be eating like this...he is on formula and doesn't spit up anything...




  1. put a little bit of baby cereal in his milk. about a quarter tsp. in 6 oz to start off, that should make his stomach feel fuller.  and it won't harm him

    also my nephew started eating baby food at 3 months because he was always hungry after just milk

  2. ok so ive read all these answers and this is what my doctor told me. my baby was born big and hungry. so we automatically fed him alot.. but you can over feed them. they wont stop when they are full and you can stretch their stomachs.. he told him to give him a little cereal if he still seemed hungry after his feeding. my baby is 8 weeks and he just got through with a growth spurt and i only feed him 4 oz. now.. i was feeding him 7.. with cereal and now just 4 with out cereal and he is fine. i would still ask your doctor if its ok to give him cereal bc every doctor is different but thats what i would do.

  3. all babies are different so i say if he wants more then give him what he wants cause he is a growing baby.

  4. Try to keep him occupied. They say babies will eat and eat if they aren't being intertained. Try playing with him or giving him a bath or blowing on his tummy something to make him laugh will help. If this all doesn;t work then yep, he likes to eat LOL!

  5. At two months, it is quite normal for your baby to eat every 2-3 hours.  His stomach is very small.  You need to feed him.

  6. I agree with you, I do believe that 8ozs is a lot for a 7 week old. I dont know if you have tired this but it is very common for mothers to confuse the babies need for sucking for food instead. Usually babies that young dont know if they are full or not, and will eat if you give them a bottle, try giving your son a pacifier, or something to suck on when he starts to get fussy. I did that with my little girl because she would seem to get hungry before 2 hours after 5ozs, at 4 weeks old, I used a pacifier and held her off for more then an hour afterwards. You can talk to your doctor also, they can suggest different, thicker formulas etc. because I do think 8oz that young is a lot. Are you watering down the formula? Could be a problem too. I went through what you went through so its hard but maybe your child is going through a growth spurt as well, 7-8 weeks sound about right for one. Anyways I wish you the best of luck and I hope I helped a little!

  7. Well, feed him if he is hungry. Babies will not over eat. They're not dogs. They know when to stop eating. I would just advise you to NOT put rice cereal in his bottles. Please read up on this if you are thinking of doing it. My friend's son is a huge eater, and they couldn't afford the formula so they started at 2 weeks adding rice cereal to every bottle. He is really overweight now and his doctor tells them he needs to go on a diet at 3 months old. It is unhealthy as it makes it so that they can not determine when enough is enough. Their digestive system is not ready for rice cereal. I know you didn't say that you were thinking of doing that but I just wanted to tell you not to in case because it encourages obesity. Give him all the formula he wants right now. His tummy can only hold so much and eventually he will stop when he is full.  

  8. are you sure he is starving ?  

    I would give him  4 oz of water and see if that holds him,

    why not discuss this with your peditrician ?

    I breastfed for 6 months and at this age they were eating every 2 to 3 hours, but breastmilk is easier to digest.

  9. sounds like a healthy baby.  He may be hitting a growth spurt and need the extra calories to get him through it.  Give him a  bottle, if he finishes it then he was obviously hungry, if not then he just wanted the attention, and next time you will know to try to stretch it out a bit.

  10. Maybe he is hungry again, try bumping his amount up at feedings.He also could need to be burped more try sanding up with him and burping him that way.I have noticed that sometimes my daughter needs to be almost vertical to get a good burp.

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