
My 7 weeks old has started dribbling and chewing his fists. I understand this maybe teething? Is he in pain?

by Guest55848  |  earlier

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He's not particularly whingy. Maybe a little more than usual. What else could it be? Or is this just normal at this age, and not teething?




  1. most babies at that age chew on their hands cuz there is nothing else they can do, and it develops slobber. If he was in pain, he'd let you know.

  2. hes either teething or he has found his hands!! if you notice his cheeks going slightly red or he seems in some discomfort then give him some paracetemol/calpol, that stuff really does work!!!

  3. Get him some baby teething jel. He'll like the taste and it'll feel good to his gums.

  4. classic teething symptoms.  you need teething gel, and try to get one of those teethers you put in the fridge.  the cold soothes the baby's gums.

    if you live in england, theres something called Teetha you can buy.  these are small granules that help with the pain and also calm your baby down if he's upset about the pain.  i found these worked wonders on my own son.

  5. Babies put everything in their mouth. It's their way of investigating things. My two sons did this from about 6 weeks, but didn't get a tooth in their head until they were over a year old.

  6. it's quite possible that he's teething.  poor little thing - most babies don't start until around the 5 / 6 month point,  but some do get them earlier.

    go into somewhere like Boots or Mothercare.  have a look to see if u can find any gel-filled teething rings that can be put in the fridge.  the coolness of the teething ring will help sooth his gums.   when my son was teething he found them a great help.   shame your son is a bit too young to be taking proper calpol just yet - but as some others have mentioned,  at least u can use the gum ointment.

    even if he's not teething,  a teething ring might be a good idea - at least he might chew that and give his hands a rest.

  7. He could also be bored. Give him some toys like a rattle to occupy his hands.

    Btw for teething try Calpol, teething gel (like the person below suggested) or an appropriate teething object to chew on.

  8. Mine is 12 weeks and has done this since around 6 weeks too...I see no teeth or signs can take months for them to come through.

  9. Yes he is teathing.  He will let you know if he is in pain, give hims something to chew on like a teathing ring.  Some babies teathe early and I have heard that some babies teath from being born.  So it is very normsl.

    Mammy of three

  10. my son is now 20 weeks and has been doing this since 7 weeks he shoves everything in his mouth too he does much like teething rings but my thumb he loves and  now he is older I give him frozen banana and he loves that .. you will know if he is in Pain  all of a sudden he will scream as if he's hit a nerve.. my little man does this occasionally I've tried gels but he doesn't like them.

  11. He is not teething at 7 weeks old and he is not in pain, what he is doing is normal at that age.

  12. If he's teething his cheeks will be bright red (either one side or both) Get him some teething toys that you can sterilise.If he gets really frustrated, try some Calpol and some teething gel.I used to use Ashton and Parsons teething powders with my kids too.

    Babies that age shove anything in their mouths, so he might not be teething.I had a mobile to go over our babies cot.It was black and white pictures one side for young babies, and I could reverse it when baby got older.Keep baby stimulated with toys.Musical toys are a comfort too.

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