
My 7 year old and his bus stop!?

by  |  earlier

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My only son is 7, he is mature and having good understanding. I use to drop and pick him for his school bus. Since last few days, he is insisting me not to accompany him for this. The reason I can make out is, near to his stop, a new stop for another school started for a group of 7-8 students. Most of them are 10+ years. So he may want to be independent.

Why I want to accompany him for pick and drop is because of three reasons :

1 His stop is at blind turn and more then 20 school buses passes every morning.

2 He is the only boy for his stop.

3 There is a building construction going on at nearby plot according t me, that place is not safe.

What should I do? Should I allow him to go alone? If not, then what can be the best way to convince him by which he can keep his confidence level up.





  1. NO i dont know how to convice children but  i thing i can say firmly and strictly ..............."DONT LEAVE HIM ALONE"  he may say anything dont listen to him.....keep in chatting or make him involve in any topic........"BUT GOD SAKE DONT LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR NEXT TWO YEARS".......bye.........

    take care............

  2. Wow that's tough!

    But, he is too young to be left alone.It's easy for him to want to be independent but safety first.

    Maybe you can hid out in your car around the corner or something.

  3. childreut can be very smart thesedays,butthere are elements outside who might not be too honest,you must see he has good company

  4. I don't think you should let him go alone. It may be because he doesn't want to be bothered by the older kids and wants them to see that he's a brave boy that doesn't need his mother at his side for everything. But you have to talk to him about his safety and how it's more important. Try to get a reason for this behaviour out of him.

    I wouldn't let him go alone though. It's definitely not safe and he's pretty young as well. Although I guess it's not so bad. As the other person mentioned, follow him without him noticing, but I would only do that as the last option, like if the boy is persistent and won't give in.

  5. After crossing the building and blind turn you can let him go independently. I am sure he will readily accept this arrangement.

  6. stand with him while hes waiting and park your car somewhere close are you can walk home.


  7. Maybe let him go but follow him in the distance to keep an eye on him

  8. he too young n its not safe for him to let him go alone... n specially wen it's busy road.. so just tell him tat he is still small n u can drop hin till the bus stop n leave if he wants to talk to his friends

  9. If this were my child he wouldn't have an option. I'd be taking him as usual because of so many safety issues with traffic, construction, etc...

    Talk to him and find out if these older kids or other kids on his bus are giving him a hard time or exactly WHY he wants to go alone.  Explain why it's not a safe situation to leave him alone in at his age and that you care more about his safety than you do anything else.

    You might call the school and see if they can move the stop to a safer location nearby to avoid the hazards you've mentioned.  The only other option is to take him all the way to school in the morning and pick him up at the end of his day.

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