
My 7 year old boy isn't dry at night, pullups are a part of his life. His friends found out and tease him!!

by  |  earlier

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He cries about it, how can I get them to stop




  1. Explain to him that they will continue to tease him as long as they get a reaction.  If he ignores their taunts and pretends like it doesn't bother them, they will soon move on to another kid with another issue.

    Also, get a bedwetting worked like a charm for my son, who was 8 when he finally mastered the bedwetting thing.

  2. as cruel as it is, maybe this is the final motivation for your son to start using the toilet at night.  You say the pull ups are a part of his life......does he have a medical issue where he will always be incontinent or is he still potty training?  If the pullups are a work in progress, tell your son to avoid questions about the pullups, avoid the people that tease him, and work even harder on training, even if you have to wake him up at night at the same time every night so he can use the bathroom.

  3. You shoudl tlak to their parents.

    And my brother  wet the bed till he was 16, and his step brother are 10 and 12 and still do. buuuut there mom told me about a pill that the young boys are taking and they ahve not wet the bed in 6 months. it s apill they take before bed and during the night if they ahve to pee the pill makes there bladder ahve contractions, they said it doesnt hurt at all it just feels like hey i ahve to get up.

    Ask your doctor about them.

  4. You could talk to their parents, but that could be embarressing for your child.

    I'm not exactly sure what you should do but just remember that kids get teased for EVERYTHING... even the smallest things, and no matter what you do you cannot protect your child all the time. With that in mind, he is still very young, only being 7, and you can't just leave him to figure it out for himself.

    It will all blow over eventually, and they will all soon forget it.

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