
My 7 year old daughter is TERRIFIED of rain. My wife and I NEVER get to be alone at night!What do I do?

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She screams all night long, yells, kicks and demands that we sleep with her. She gets, literaly pschycotic.




  1. She may need to cry a night and or go in her room and read a story and let  her know that it is ok.  Get some books about rain   that may ease the anxitey

  2. You're ridiculous! You tell that little brat that you'll give her something to cry about if she doesn't calm down. The reaction that she is having has less to do with the rain and more to do with conditioned reactions she is learning because you spoil the **** out of her, don't you?

  3. I'm guessing she gets her flair for overdramatizing from your side of the family.  

    It must rain every night, if you *never* get to be alone at night.  And, if she screams *all night long*, every night, then I'm surprised you're not all institutionalized or hospitalized by now.  

    What I do, when my child is frightened of something harmless is to help them overcome the fear.  We research it.  We talk about the root of the fear.  We try to, together, come up with solutions that help the child learn how to manage in their life.

  4. First of all you cant let your child run you life and tell you what she is going to do.... If you let your child walk all over you she always will.... Letting your daughter get her way will only hurt you and your wifes relationship... Take control before its too late....

  5. She's just using rain as a mechanism to sleep with you and it's working. Since you waited until she's seven to get her to sleep on her own, let her yell and kick and scream and keep her in her own room. If she comes out, then turn her around and march her back in. She's not terrified of rain, she doesn't want to be alone. Follow the Supernanny method--it never fails!

  6. Rent and play the "rain storm scenes" from the Sound of Music, a movie from the 1960's with Julie Andrews in it.

  7. you make her face her fear. co-sleeping is one of the worst things you can do.

  8. she will have to grow out of this. if she dont have a stuffed animal BUY HER ONE QUICK. It helped me when i was young. i was scared of the dark and i would line my bed up with stuffed animals and ive been goo dever since.

  9. First off, I agree with someone else that said that she is using this as a way to get into your bed at night. My daughter tried to tell me she was having bad dreams every night . What about getting a baby monitor and telling her you can hear everything that is going on in her room. Also, a big thing that made a difference with my 4 year old keeping her in her bed was leaving the door wide open so she she knew we were right outside. Well in the living room at least.

  10. Where do you live that it rains every night?

    Perhaps your daughter needs to see a psychologist.

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