
My 7 year old is angry all the time and doesn't listen

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out of control angry 7 year old boy won't listen, do what he is told, and yells all the time. HELP




  1. kids with ADD and ADHD demonstrate the same behavour

    have you taken him to a doctor to see if he needs medication for this?

  2. If you don't set your ground straight and watch a LOT of

    (this will sound stupid, but it helped me deal with my little one) nanny 911, then

    you're kid is going to be one of... THOSE kids. He will only

    change at a young age. By the time he's a teen... not a chance, mom.

    Get some real help for your child, counseling is like giving a dog

    a treat after he's wet your favorite rug... it will only makes things worse

    and help him to feel insecure and like a "freak". I recommend watching

    as much Nanny 911 as possible, and learn from the shows. They

    will help you find techniques to help your child learn. Go, go, go! Your

    child is getting older by the second!  

  3. set him down and let him know whos boss

    or spend more time with him so that you both get to know eachother better and he may listen to you  

  4. He needs a hobby. He has too much energy building up inside of him. Too much energy will make anyone unhappy unless they release it. If he isn't receptive to new ideas it doesn't matter. You are the parent and it's your job/responsibility to make sure that his energy levels stay balanced. It takes a lot of energy to get and remain angry. If you, his parent, don't allow him to build up the energy necessary to maintain an angry attitude then how can it possibly happen? Make him do sprints and time him. Don't let him say no. You say, yes, this is going to  happen. If he gets mad and tears things up, ignore it and when he's finished tell him you're glad he got that out, now get to running. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO REASON WITH A SEVEN YEAR OLD. Counselors don't always work. It takes a lot to find a counselor who will actually do their job properly. I trust my judgment more so than anyone else when it comes to my child. NOW: If he is physically violent and you've never retaliated, then you have the upper hand and a swat from you would shock the h**l out of him. Either way YOU are in control not him. If you can't control him, who can? A seven year old has no idea what he's supposed to do to be happy that's why they have parents. It's up to us. If you have the attitude that there isn't anything you can do, then that's exactly what you'll get. ORRR you can get him put on some heavy duty medication that will knock him out and make him a zombie, I hear it's the trend. It's your choice.

  5. Maybe he's getting picked on in school?

  6. If you couldn't teach him who is the boss in 7 years then it may be too late.

  7. I think you should try talking it out with him, tell him not to yell and use inside voices, resorces of that nature, then if it doesent work and hes still acting up, take things away or remove privlages, such as TV or some toys he plays with, if that doesent help, i think its time for a little hit. Just a little hit on the butt will do good, if that doesent help

    Try counciling

    hope this helps :)

  8. i have a 7 year old and she was very down for a long period of time. her self esteem was all over the place cos of lots of factors, school and a shake up in her home life were the most obvious causes. Ifd your son has some temper or anger issues keep on with the couselling and look in to when he started and what happened.

    as a more practical solution maybe introduce him to a martial art he may learn discipline and get a physical outlet for his anger. a traditional japanese martial art school will teach him meditation and also there will be growmn men shouting instrucions which could make him realise the power of his own words when he shouts. Also martial arts are cool to do when young so it could be like a treat for him. i sugest judo as there is little thoery and a lot of practical work i it. its hard not to listen when another kid has him byb the lapels trying to throw him

    good luck  

  9. Well u need to hit him,im not saying beat him but you need to discipline him,talking to him wont work u need to show him that u dont deal with his c**p

  10. Id give him good old fashion disaplane when hes bad and love when hes not set him in his  room with no toys for every offense he does and when he does something good reward him so h**l wanna do mostly good things all kids are gonna act up but if u let them know they arent gonna get away with it theyll eventually give in u gotta have the stronger will power tho otherwise thier always gonna act bad because they think they can get away with it.... if that doesnt work try paddleings  for the real bad stuff but check the local laws or whatever on child abuse see what u can get away with.  gotta let him know ur the boss good luck!

  11. Well Listen to your Counselor is key BUT Remember YOU KNOW BEST How to discipline your child apply their advice practically. Um one recommendation is To Punish him. When he does something Bad TIME OUT!!! Time out means a placer where you can see him, and prevent him from playing with any fun. DON'T show anger even if he fights you it gives him power. Act as if you don't care because that would prevent him from any satisfaction of annoying you and gaining you attention. Just keep putting him in the chair. Parent and son time will help when him off destructive behavior make it worth his while to behave, reward good behavior promise him a toy if he stops yelling, and eventually get to a point where you can say I wont get you this unless you stop right now! - follow through though will ANY THREATS or he will run right over you. sweet kids aren't born sweet, their raised sweet. Hope isn't lost with your son.

  12. Same as my step-niece she have the same problem acting grown before time. She is 7 1/2 too by another marriage.

    She calls my brother daddy but he not really her daddy her daddy is dead.

  13. my father just threatened me with death.  his favorite quote was, "i can kill and make another one just like you."  i believed him until I got bigger than him.  it worked like a charm if i was ever out of line.

  14. at the risk of many thumbs down...may I suggest spanking.

  15. My mom believes in physical discipline. Take away toys and Spank on the wrist should make calm down. No sugar. make his life the way you want it to be. He should get used to it.

  16. take action control him take something away from him that he likes

  17. give him a taste of his own medicine

  18. Try speaking to him. Yell as little as possible and try to not resort to physical violence (spanking, hitting, it could mess up the kid a little). Maybe talking to his concler to see if they know what the problem is. This also sounds a little like ADD, maybe you should see if he has that.  

  19. What do the counselors say?  Do they have any reasoning or diagnosis.

    I have a friend that's going through the same and its escalated.  Unfortunately they had to resort to medication which she did not want but it has helped.

  20. a good spanking and cold shower should do. I was punished that way and I came out fine. I dont hate my parents for punishing me that way, they strightning me out. Good luck

  21. sounds like a typical 7 yo.

    Just wait unti he turns 8.

  22. let me know  have a 6yr that acts the same and i have tried everything and i works for a min and then back to the same old same old  if i hit him it didnt hurt if i stand him in a corrner he wants to stand there if i take something away he didnt want it this is my problem too so if you find an answer let me know good luck

  23. You should give him a good ol' a.s.s. whoopin!

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