
My 7 year old mastrubates???

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Okay so a couple of days ago my 7 year old was having a bath and i walked in and she had her v****a flaps flipped open and she was running the water on it. she said hi to me and just kept doing it. I asked her what she was doing and she told me it felt really good,

Yesterday when i walked into her room to tuck her in, she was rubbing a pillow between her legs. i again asked what she was doing and she told me it felt good.

What do i do...she is only 7!




  1. this reminds me of a House episode.basically, you need to explain to her that you really wouldn't like her to do that. She's seen it somewhere, or she wouldn't be doing it. my daughter did this awhile ago too. Just calmly explain that it's not something she should do and you wish she would stop

  2. First of all this is normal. I think she's a little young for the "s*x talk" but most importantly do not let her think it's a dirty, bad thing.  I know it's hard to for mom's (and dad's)  to see but try to ignore it. If it becomes habitual then tell her to do it in private. Stay with her during bath time and keep her busy washing and playing (with toys). She will probably eventually grow out of it.

  3. i think a lot of kids must do it, uhh, i was 5... you shouldnt know these things... tell her she is suposed to hide it from you... sorry, but i dont think its anything to worry about

  4. water is not masturbating

  5. Don't do anything.  Just make sure she knows that it is not something a person does in public. BTW "v****a flaps" are called labias.

  6. Totally normal.  Just tell her these things must be done in private only.

  7. You don't have to explain anything to her.  She already knows how to m********e and that it feels good.  It's enough for now to be sure she knows that it's something we do in private.  Don't complicate it or make it tedious.

    Kids can m********e as soon as they're born, as soon as they discover that it feels good.  If they don't discover it sooner, they nearly always do by the time puberty sets in and their hormones start making them want to have s*x.

  8. It is natural for kids to explore their bodies.  Don't freak out and try not to attach to it shame or embarrassment.  You don't want to sexually scar your kid's psyche.  As long as she is doing it in private, what is the harm?

  9. well maybe you should start talking to her about it..

  10. Your child is discovering how the human body works.

    Don't chide her, make her feel guilty or ashamed. Many people want to stop nature from taking its course.

    a) it doesn't work

    b) it only creates unhappy people

    Don't be that person.

    Tell your daughter what's going on, help her understand the process.

    No amount of squeamishness on your part is going to change the fact that your daughter has a v****a.

    It's life. It is what it is.

  11. It's completely normal, don't make a big deal of it. Studies suggest if you do make it a big deal, children will think that "feel good" is dirty, and bad, and may develope unhealthy sexual practices, or feel guilty about s*x later on in life. I know it is alarming at first, but, please, for the mental health of your child, don't make a big deal about it. you can look this up online, there are plenty of articles relating to this particular subject, hope this helped you.

  12. You don't do anything.... other then explain to her that what she is doing is private and not for others to watch.... (which she seems to already know, you just keep walking in on her)

    v****a flaps are called Labia by the way....

    And its perfectly normal for girls and boys to m********e from infancy to adulthood.

  13. Just let it be.... for now. She's not doing anything wrong, and in fact this isnt sexual to her (she's 7 and I highly doubt she knows much that way). All this is to her is a pleasure thing, and it makes her feel good so of course she will keep on doing it. It's no different then you sitting down to watch your favorite tv show, and you do it because it feels good, right?! As long as she's not doing this in public and as long as she's not touching other people/allowing other people to touch her, there's nothing wrong with her behaviour.

  14. Your daughter has probably just discovered this area and that it feels differently when she touches it. Just sit her down and try to explain to her that that is something that older people do. Go into the amount of detail you feel comfortable with. Just don't yell at her or become angry - it will make her feel like sexuality is wrong and may have long term effects when she becomes older.

  15. Try making her believe if she does it something really bad happens... because she shouldn't be doing it at that age

  16. maybe start by asking her if anyone else has touched her there!

  17. I wouldn't worry.  I believe that it's a very natural thing.  She is exploring her body and I am sure that she will grow out of it.  I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.  You will frustrate her if you try and make her stop.   I wouldn't talk to her about the birds and the bees. 7 is way too young for that conversation.

  18. Let her do ! Why she shouldn't have fun ?


    @Jenny B

    I've a massage -shower and it's wonderful !

  19. There isn't much you can do but explain to her that it is natural to do it - but there is a time and a place. In her bedroom alone at night is fine but make sure she understands she can't do it in public. Telling her not to do would be wrong, it would be like telling her the exploring her body and learning about her parts is wrong...

  20. its normal i used to m********e without knowing what i was doing in preschool..  kids explore their bodies too

  21. I can't suggest much I heard of boys masturbating at a young age but it's really strange for a girl .Don't freak out but you might wanna set up a meeting with a counselor or a professional.It's not normal that a girl discovers her body this early without an outside source or for her to have sexual needs .It seems like she does it often right?

    Good Luck.

  22. I would tell her only do that at home in her bed or in the bath and I wouldn't even say why. Masturbation is normal.

  23. Ok this may scare you.......but at the age of 3 I had discovered on my own that rubbing that particular place felt good. You can't help it, and at that young kids have no idea what they're doing. Don't worry, all kids discover at some point whether you like it or not, so maybe when she gets a little older it would be a good idea to explain what it is. Good luck.

  24. Yes, my 4 year old does that. Doc said it was normal

  25. Okay, I'm sorry but telling her that she can do it as long as she does it in private is not a good idea.  I don't think you need to come down on her but let her know what it is that she is doing.  I don't think that a 7 year old should m********e.  This just opens her up to being sexual way too young and that is never a good thing.

  26. Just leave her be. if she does that much then it really msut feel gud har har.

  27. Is normal, now that you discovered her TWICE I'll ask you that you stop getting into the rooms without knocking!!!  If you keep on doing it then YOU are the one with the problem.  Masturbation is mostly about relaxing than about sexuality.  I for example don't think about anything sexual when I'm in the shower...

    Don't make this a sexual thing, chances are is not.  It feels good, that's all.  That is the reason she told you so bluntly.

    From now on give her privacy and mention that she should not do that in public, is something private and shouldn't be shared.

  28. i heard this before and the therapist just said to let them do it but just make sure to tell them and that they know to never do it in public.

  29. Everyone needs to relax first of all NOOO you don't have to explain s*x to her.   It has nothing to do with that.   She isn't trying to be bad or do something she thinks is wrong or she would hide it.  She was doing it in private places, the bath, her own room unless you find out otherwise she probably already knows that her privates are private and only she and maybe you if she has some type of problem are allowed to look at them.  A doctor will tell you this is normal and not worry about it.

  30. ahhh u have a bigg problemo >>you should start tellin her she needs to stop doing that and tell jher only mommy can see it >.tell her not to make anyone touch it

  31. I will admit that I've been caught off-guard by this a couple of times myself.  It's completely natural and should be treated as such.  There's no need to get into any nitty gritty details about s*x, etc. because what she's doing really has nothing to do with s*x.  She's only 7.  She doing what feels good, period.  She's human, just like you.

    I can't believe that people would tell you to make up lies and stories that convince your daughter that what she's doing is bad or will harm her.  How terrible that would be!  It's 2008.  Even the Dr. Spock books, as old as they are, advised parents to treat it as something natural and private, which it IS.  Basically, don't punish her for doing it but suggest that it's not something that should be done around anyone else.

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