
My 7 year old screams when i take him to school i have asked hm what is wrong and he will just blame everyone?

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about almost 2 weeks now my son cries and tells me mommy i miss you just so he wont go to school i have asked him what is wrong and he will say that there is this boy that bugs him so i had a meeting with the principal and teacher and we talked about what will make him happy like switching his chair next to his best friend and i told the teacher that theres this boy bugging him and i have talked to him the night before he has to go to school he is excited he smiles says he cant wait to go to school but when i get to the gate he screams mommy dont go i miss you he is with me all day i also have a 9 yr old and a 5 yr old and no problems there i have tried everything even bringing him home from school just so he wont cry i have bought him toys new shoes new shirt that he wanted the teacher has tried to bring him in class and he will just lash out he has sat down in class as soon as he sees me about to walk out the door he screams i am the parent and he need to go to school what do i do ?




  1. i agree with the principle, with an attitude like that there really is nothing more she can do to help you because no matter what they do, you will undermine it with removing him and rewarding his crying with something that he wanted to begin with.

    if you really think that there is someone bullying him then spend some time observing him in class when he cant see you and in his natural enviroment.

    its like the child that plays the parents when they get divorced, if the parent doesnt support the teachers then the child knows this even in preschool and they will unknowingly use it to get what they want.

    drop him off, let him know that you absolutely will pick him up, let the staff do thier job and help him see that his tantrums are out of line and he will not be rewarded for them and pick him up exactly at the time you said: not before and not after and he will see that you are your word and you are consistant in what you say and he has no choice in this.

    if you chose to homeschool then this will escalate to him throwing tantrums when it comes to do his school work, what will you do then?

    good luck!!

  2. i dis-likes regular school verry much, i am now homeschooled and happy. Try for full lessons

  3. you screwed up when you took him home the first time because he was crying...and you screwed up again buying him toys and rewarding him for this, how is he going to see that what hes doing  is bad when he is getting rewarded for it?

    of course he went to school fine when you got him the toy, and when you buy him the next  one he will go to school fine again.

    id be willing to bet if you leave him at school crying he wouldnt be crying in the next 5 minutes, hes 7 not 2  he needs to be treated like it, it is now mandated by law that he goes to school, are you going to pull him out and home school him because he doesnt "want" to go, or are you going to continue to let him stay home and pay the fines?

  4. Homeschooling seems like too big an issue to decide because of two weeks of crying.  Someone "bugging him" shouldn't mean that you interrupt his education to take him shopping.

    Your son can learn to cope with the rest of the world.  The school is ignoring his tantrums because he's a bit old to be having them.  

    Drop him off at the door to the school .   Let him know that you will pick him up at the end of school, but not early.  Then actually do that.

    He has 11 more years of childhood.  He really should get the chance to learn how to socialize.

    Good luck.

  5. He may just be very sensitive, I was when I was 7, it is ok, you should take him to the doctor and talk to them...

  6. take him to a doctor i was sansititve when i was seven

  7. I went through the same thing a few months into the 2007 school year.  Just out of the blue my Son would start crying and saying he didn't want to go to school.  I talked to the teacher and asked if anything unusual was going on in class i.e. my Son being picked on or anything and she said no that he just missed me.  So I went and talked with the school counselor and he had a talk with my Son  and found out the same thing, just that my Son missed me.  He suggested that I keep a picture of my Son and I or one of just me in his backpack so that when he's having a rough time he can pull it out and look at it.  Also the teacher came up with a certain sign/motion that when he is feeling sad or missing me that he will do and she will do back to let him know he his loved.  Don't get me wrong he still has his mornings where he doesn't want to go to school but all in all he is doing much better.  I also make it a point to once a week or every other week for me and my Daughter to go eat lunch with him as a surprise.  Good luck.

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