
My 7 year old son likes girls toys.?

by Guest61490  |  earlier

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I have identical twin boys and one son (john) is athletic and a typical boy and my other son (jacob)likes to play with girls toys. I am worried about this. Their mother and I separated when they were a year old and I had always noticed that my wife payed more attention to john. I commented on this all the time and she eventually stopped and then it reversed she would take him everywhere with her and john would go everywhere with her new husband., but it was always as if jacob would do anything to get her attention. He started taking after her in everything he says his favorite color is the same as hers he asks her what she played with when she was little and then wants the same toys.It's as if she treated him like a daughter and I do not like this. She has stopped treating him like this to the extent that she used to. What is going on is my son going to have a hard life because he is different or is it because of what has happened. He is the sweetest son I could have ever asked for and I do not want life to be even harder for him than it has to be what can I do.




  1. it's fine if he wants to play dollies.  he will outgrow it later, but avoid labeling toys as girl toys or boy toys.  it gives kids stereotypes on how boys and girls are supposed to act.  

  2. I don't think it's really anything to be concerned about. It's probably a phase. In the case of my younger brothers, one played with GI Joe dolls, the other would play Barbies and dress-up with me. They both turned out to be heterosexual, if that was your concern.

    Instead of telling him it's wrong to play with girl toys (since he won't understand), try a similar toy that is a boy toy. Like if he plays with dolls, get him an action figure. If you show interest in what he's playing with, even if you don't like it or think it's wrong, he'll be more open to a suggested change. Say something like, "Oh that's nice that you're playing _______ (girl toy),  I've got ____ (boy toy) though, can I still play with you?"

    Favorite colors don't mean anything, my dad's favorite color is purple (because it is the color of royalty). I have never liked the color pink, even as a girl, I've always been into blue.

  3. If it was a girl playing with boy toys would you have even noticed? When I was a little girl I had more boy toys in my room then girl( I think I had one baby doll) I just didn't think girl toys were fun. Too pink for me.

    And when I older brother was eight or nine I remember him going though a fase when he wanted barbie dolls. He grew out of it, and went of to another think, and then another. He finally set on muscle building at the age of 14.

    He seven he just see the toys as another toy.  

  4. Don't make a huge deal out of him wanting to play with girl toys, I'm sure he'll grow out of it. Sounds like he misses his mother. My brother-in law wouldn't even let my nephew sleep with a pink blanket, which is kinda extreme in my opinion.  

  5. Studies show boys who play with girl toys when they're little will grow to become better parents.

    He'll grow out of it by preschool, anyways.

    Besides, how can it hurt for him to be like his mom?

  6. She needs to treat them the same. If she favors on boy the other will do anything to get her attention like try to be like her and such. It is hard because they are twins but they are so different. It is normal for a boy to want to play with girl toys since boys are told no they don't understand why. I wouldn't allow it but don't yell at him or anything which I'm sure you don't. This is a hard one and most likely is just a phase that he is going through. Some boys are more feminine then others but, trust me if he has alot of friends that he hangs out with that are boys he will get the clue soon, sounds like he is going to be a mommys boy and will soon come around, give it time and maybe do boy stuff with him. Give him the extra attention and invite maybe a friend around. I hope some of this helps. There is no right or wrong answer really

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