
My 7 year old son seems to take a long time in getting his sentences out. It's like his mind knows what?

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he wants to say, but it takes a few additional seconds to get the words to come out. While he is saying something, he puts a lot of "uhhhs" in between while he is coming up with the word. Should I send him to a speech therapist for this? Or is this something he will eventually grow out of? I have noticed other kids getting a little impatient with him when he is trying to finish a sentence. I have even finished his sentences for him, which I know I probably shouldn't do.




  1. Tell him to think of what he wants to say before he says it. That way he won't be as likely to stop in the middle of a sentence and go "Uhhhh....", right?

    If he doesn't start talking better in a while, you may want to take him to a speech therapist.

  2. Its fine all children do this, its because their mind is adjusting to learning more and more things and coping with the fact of knowing whats what.

    However sometimes it can be related to health issues, like perhaps he is partically deaf and is having trouble getting out his words and understanding the  sounds and prounce of them. The main signs if this, is when they get frustrated and angry.

    He could have a stutter or some speach defect.

  3. Trust me, it's normal. Lots of children do this. If you think he needs a speech therapist, talk to his teacher. they will evaluate him to see if he needs one. I do think he will get over this. I have seen many who do this and get over it.

  4. I would take him to a therapist, my son had something similar and you are right, we shouldn't finish their sentences. He used to go to chess club which he liked at the beginning, but then he told me he didn't want to go (they couldn't run or anything like that) and asked me to put him in swimming and soccer, I did and he was so excited. Eventually, my son's self steem raised and the problem now doesn't exist.

  5. My daughter does this but I cant' afford to get help for her. She says that she knows what she wants to say, but it's stuck in her brain.

    I dont' think a speech therapist is the right type of doctor for this *IF* your son is like my daughter.  

  6. i think getting a speech therapist will work, and try and not to finish hes sentences because it would make it seem like he doesnt have to talk, and you'll always be there to talk for him.

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