
My 7 year old son still wears pullups at night; is that common for a boy his age?

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My 7 year old son still wears pullups at night; is that common for a boy his age?




  1. My cousin wears them too and he is eight so i think its okay.

    Try for one night without the pull-ups, if he still wets it then give them back.

    If it is still getting worse or not improving, you may want to speak with your child's doctor.

  2. its not uncommon, lots of guys thta age including my brother have problems at night.

  3. It's not uncommon. At that age they are growing faster than their bladders (according to our family doc - I have two boys) and usually when they get out of the growth spurt, the bedwetting subsides. Aside from stopping liquids an hour before bed and reminding them to go to the bathroom before laying down, your best bet is to just encourage them. Don't freak out when they wet the bed, just change them and help them clean up. You want to avoid attaching drama to the incident.

  4. No, get him to a counseler

  5. It's actually very common according to my pediatrican. My youngest son is 8 and wears good nights because he wets every night no matter what we do. We tried the putting him in underwear idea thinking maybe it was subconsious but he still wet and slept in it all night. He is a very heavy sleeper and small for his age so we think he has a small over active bladder. We have had him to the pediatric urologist. None of them seem concerned and tell me it's really common and he will outgrow it.

    Don't make them feel bad about it, they cannot help it. If it wasn't so common they wouldn't make good nights and underjams that are for kids as much as 100lbs. There is a market for these things because it IS common. I have three older boys who never had any issues like this, so I know it's nothing I am doing wrong. He just can't help it.

  6. Everyone is different. I would suggest that you stop buying him diaper pull ups and start getting him "the big boy" pull ups like the boxer style ones. His confidence needs to be built for him to feel comfortable when he goes to bed, i would tell him to try going to the bathroom at least twice before he goes to bed, and don't give him anything to drink about an hour before he goes to bed either. He might just have an over active bladder, in which drinking right before bed is not a good idea, if hes thirsty give him things like lozenges to sooth his thirst (which most of the time they're not really its just an excuse to get out of going to bed lol).  

  7. hmm.. my little brother is 8 and my sister 5 and they wear pull ups to bed still which I totally disagree with. My daughter (3 and a half) has not worn pull ups since she started potty training at 2 years old. I think you should talk to the pediatrician about it. My dad and his wife think that it's just fine but I disagree, and when I asked my daughters ped. about it she said that there are many reasons for bed wetting. If your child drinks a lot of sugary drinks sometimes the body doesnt process the sugar until it's resting- so that could cause it. He shouldnt drink anything but a small amount of water 2 hours before bedtime. There could also be other issues so the only way to diagnose him would be through the pediatrician.

    I would suggest, although tiring, to wake him up about every 2-3 hours in the night so he becomes less of a sound sleeper and the sensation of having to go will start to wake him.

    Good Luck, I know it must be hard on him-and you.  

  8. no it's not uncommon in my experience

    we got a bedwetting alarm from when my son was 8 and it worked like a charm!  I highly highly highly recommend this.

  9. i agree with claire d try putting him in underwear and if you have to make him go to the bathroom in through the night. He might be wearing them because he knows that he can go in the pull up  

  10. well my kids are 1,3, and 8. and the only one in diapers or pull ups is my 1 yr old, my 3 and 8 gets up to go in the middle of the night,

    have you talked to his doctor? to make sure everything is ok with your son? my son will be 9 in sept. and my little sister is 10 and she doesnt wear them.

    my kids emily and chris have been potty trained since they where 2 and 3.

  11. a lot of boys can have this problem till there like 12. its not uncommon. my brother didnt stop wetting the bed till her was about 11 or 12 and when my dad was young he had the same problem.

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