
My 7 year old wants to date a girl. Should I chaperone them or let them be?

by Guest44608  |  earlier

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They are going to a Marilyn Manson concert.




  1. 7 year old, dating, ahhh thats a little too young, they can be friends tough  

  2. aww how cute. Let them be alone.

  3. depending on where there going, let them be!

    If they are just gonna go to the park or something then fine yeah.. if they want to go swimming, movies or bowling etc, then you'd need to be there anyway... i think you should tell them they can 'date' but they have to be in your house... like in the garden or u'll leave them alone so they can watch a movie in the lounge or something..

    Dont forget, at 8 girls can start their periods... you dont want your son to be an 8 year old father do you?  

  4. Make sure he brings along protection and emphasize the virtue of responsible drinking. Have the little nipper buy  his whiskey in a plastic bottle in case it falls and hits the ground.  

  5. awww i think that's cute. cuz it's not really a relationship they just want to  act older and be cool but i think it's adorable. i'd say just let hem have play dates at either ur house or the girls house. but if they o somewhere u could let them have a picnic but of course u'd be there just not getting in they're business. and u could take them to like a movie or sumthin and let them sit by themselve but sit nearby so that u can check on them. but if they're just having a play date just leave them alone and check on them once or twice.

    hope this helped!!!

  6. what is a 7yr olds definition of "date?"

    They are 7yrs old - chaperone!!

  7. Smack your seven-year-old upside the head and say, 'Wait until you hit puberty'.  Seven?  What the f*ck?

  8. 7?  yeah, no.  will you be in the delivery room when they're 11?

  9. Just let them be...what harm can come of it

  10. let em' be. there kids. thats cute.  

  11. your avatar is ***** ing UGLY

    and there 2 yung.........

  12. Aww, go ahead.

    No, don't chaperone. They;'re 7 year olds. They have NO hormones, and they haven't hit puberity.

    They're safe. Of course, if they're going somewhere public, be there. Thats what any parent would do. Play it safe. [:

  13. well 7 is to young to be dating but a play date is fine x]

    you can check up on them at times to see if they havn't killed each other or ect.  

  14. Let them be they will be in good hands with Marilyn

  15. he might not want his mom to peek in on their shenanigans when they're alone.

  16. mmm

    let them be.

  17. Well, take them where ever, say your gonna leave, then, spy on them, or leave a secret camera on your sons shirt.

  18. Let them be(:

  19. aww

    let them be :)

    im sure they wont do anything lol

  20. secretly \chaperone, but "let them be"

    you know?

    that sounds cute...

    but then again i don't know your boy...

  21. secretly chaperone

  22. Let them be but don't forget to give him the no glove, no love speech!! lol

  23. oh that's so cute let her

  24. sister --  is jed your boy because my girl, lilly, is going to the manson concert too!  she said she met a nice boy in kindergarten this year -- today was her first day of school and she was a little nervous -- she's been held back in kindergarten now 3 years in a row so it's been kind of rough to be 8 -- she's usually the biggest kid in class and apparently your fine, well mannered boy was nice enoguh to talk to her and befriend her  and he asked her to the manson concert.  I figured what the heck, you gotta let go of them some day and let them spread their wings, right?

    wow, we just might be related soon~

  25. He's seven years old. I'd let him do it, but secretly supervise. =)

    Just have him take her somewhere simple like a picnic in the park, not the to movies or a restaurant or anything.

  26. are scary

    Is he dating his cousin?

  27. Isn't that the age of legal consent round those parts?


  29. Don't forget to buy some condoms 1st

  30. if it's just like, hanging out at your house, then let them be. the worse thing they would do is MAYBE kiss. that's not even bad. but if you mean like, go out somewhere, you best be chaporoning.  

  31. Awww, is that his girlfriend as your avatar?

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