
My 7-yr old cousin and a sippy cup?

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My little cousin still drinks with a sippy cup and her mother will not get her off it she knows it about won't do it. Shouldn't she be off by now? Help me!




  1. Buy her a gift of "Big Girl cups" with her favorite characters on them.  She'll drop the sippy like a hot potato if she likes them.  

    It's demeaning and keeping her from developing like a child her age should.  My five year old has been lid-less since he was 3 and can NOW competently clean his room, make his bed and wash a dish throughly.  At seven she should AT LEAST be able to drink out of a normal cup!

  2. if she can drink from a cup fine and just uses it because she likes it, what is she hurting?

    i wouldn't let her take a sippy cup to bed at 7:00. maybe i would let her have a sippy cup of water JUST so she wouldn't spill it.

    i have lots of friends that let their older children, 3 to 5 age span, use sippy cup to reduce messes. it isn't as if their children cannot use a regular cup or don't use a regular cup.

    i wouldn't let her sit at the table with a sippy cup either, i don't think. unless she was a chronic spiller. then maybe i would. my sister spilled her drink every night at the dinner table! she wasn't playing around either. it was frustrating!!

    one day she will be too embarassed to use it at all. sd

  3. do stuff to make want to learn how to drink out of a glass

  4. A 7 year old should deffently not be drinking out of a sippy cup. If her mother has problems getting her to stop, then make a deal...

    Everytime she doesnt use the sippy cup give her a big treat! If that doesnt work then you will have to do it the hard way, which i hate. Instead of giving her a sippy cup hand her a normal cup, see what she does. tell her that you "lost the sippy cup" and have her drink out of that. She will oviously wine, but she will eventually get thirsty enough that she will drink out of a normal cup. It takes time and you need to do this now or else it will start to get embarassing for her as she gets older. Or maybe she will decide on her own someday that it is "babish" and she will stop. Hope this helped. (:

  5. there's nothing you can do.  If the mother doesn't want to stop it, then it's her decision.  Just don't have any sippy cups at your house when she visits :)

  6. yes she should be off it by now and try convincing ur cousin to drink from a regular cup by maybe conving her that she's a big girl now and needs to use big girl cups or get her a cup she likes or think is pretty thats not a sippy cup

  7. Wow, I thought I was bad with my three/almost four year old still on a sippy cup. I would just take all the lids away.

  8. She should have been off a sippy cup probably 3 years ago is my guess.   Maybe you should  buy her some character cups that are regular cups so she will be happy about changing.

  9. The kids should be off around age 3 or 4. However there is still times my 6 and 7 yr old do still use sippy cups (car rides, movie night in the living room...etc) but for day to day she should be on a real cup

  10. that will totally s***w up her teeth.

    she is about 4 years over the age.

    talk to her mother.

    let her drink from glasses, like its a special privilege! or do it in front of her

  11. Tell her that she will never grow up into an independent woman if she doesn't start now, and point out how ridiculous that is. Kids that have moms like that lash out later and get into big big trouble.

  12. Does she have a little sister if not her mom should throw her sippie cup away cause she gonna made fun of if her freinds know she still does that

  13. try drinking from a glass in front of her

    then keep telling her how she cant use it

    because she still has the sippy cup.

    works like a charm.

  14. Wrong in my opinion. At 7 the child should be using china cups.

  15. Yah, that is pretty old to be using a sippy cup. However, it's not your business... it's the Parent's responsibility to raise their children.

  16. oh my god yes!!!! her dentist should have said something!

  17. i think they are right about it messing up her teeth try the thats for babies routine

  18. Her mother needs to stop the kid now.  They can ruin teeth from pressing against them, push them back in her mouth so there not straight.  Plus, the kid will be embarrassist when the other kids find out.

  19. She should be drinking out a regular cup. My son is 4 and he is drinking out a regular cup... her mama needs her a** whipped.

  20. take it up with her mom.

    I'm pretty sure that will mess up her teeth.

    some kids prefer to drink from sippy cups though.

  21. Bizarre behaviour for a 7 year old.

    there was no bottles or sippy cups in my house past 18 months old.

    she is babying her and that is sad. i am guessing it is her last child and she cannot get the omg this is my last child syndrome out of her head, so treats her like a baby.

    her teeth are destroyed and the mother will have a huge dental bill in a few years.

    in reality, not much you can do to help. but i hear your concerns.

  22. normally kids should be off a sippy cup by 4-ish. My niece is 2 and doesn't use a sippy cup or a bottle anymore. Maybe it's just a comfort thing.

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