
My 7 yr old daughter constantly cries, no matter what we say or do.?

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She is the 2nd of 4 children, the main one that gets into trouble and the only one that has and is taking medication for adhd. Could this in any way be affecting her behavior towards me. And I want to point out that she does not act like this towards her father, just everyone else that is involved in her life. Even visitors that we have over. She is either rude to them or ignores them when they speak to her. Like I said we are going to the dr. this wk, I am just trying to see if anyone has anyother suggestion that may help me out. I don't know what else to do and I'm so tired of constantly getting onto her.




  1. you are not a bad parent I have 3 girls and 1 boy  usually the middle aged child feels left out for some reason like they do not get enough attention. the best thing to do that has worked with me is get down eye level with her and ask her why she did that and what she thinks you should do for punishment this really gets to them for some reason this can also be found in parenting magazines but keep the doctors appointment jus in case she needs something for the adhd hope this helps you

  2. No you are not a bad parent - most 7 year old girls seem to be this way( I am a girl scout leader ages 6-8) they all seem to be "drama queens" and run off and cry in their rooms. All you can do is keep working with her - our girls got better by age 8.

  3. Its very common and will probally get worse as she gets older she may also just be looking for some attention try spending just a couple hours a week doing something with just you and her and tell her how great shes doing when she does something possitive dont just focus on the negative and dont sweat the smalll stuff pick your battles wisely she may want a little more say in things that affect her sit down and talk about some things that she can make some decisions on so she want feel so out of control of her life let her feel like she does have some say but let her now your still the boss like if she has to clean her room everyday let her choose how many times a week maybe 3 times a week but you get to come in  and check and see if she did it right this will help her feel more independent

  4. The first thing you have to understand is that you are not alone and no, you are not a bad mother. Perhaps you are feeling this way because you're having a hard time trying to figure out what behavior is related to the ADHD or is she just acting out in general. I've been in your shoes so I can relate to your frustration but it gets better with time. I too gave meds to my child(at 5 now 13) and noticed that each different kind made him that much worse. I  took him off at age 8 especially after personally being told by a psychologist to do so because he said that this medicine is really Meth. With a lot of prayer, patience, love, and reassurance, he's doing just fine. Your daughter will learn the things of your concerns too in time but you have believe it!  God knows that it takes a very special parent to raise a child with special needs so He's not going to trust just anybody with His precious little ones. Be Blessed!

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