
My 7 yr. old eats and writes with her left hand but plays sports with her right. Is she right or left handed?

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My 7 yr. old eats and writes with her left hand but plays sports with her right. Is she right or left handed?




  1. She could be ambidextrous. Not sure of the spelling, but it means she uses both her right and left hand for things!

  2. She's left-handed. My cousin is the same exact way and considers herself to be left-handed.

  3. left hand

  4. Left justified ambidextrous, same as me.

  5. tat. interesting.

    it could be tat. she could be both handed..

    hav u heard of tat?

    my cousin. can write wit both hand and play sports wit both hand and eats wit both too. tats kool

  6. its possibal for children to be able to use left and right hands. I would test her by making her write with her right and sports with her left.

  7. I can eat and write with both my hands. But I do those better with my left hand. Your child could be ambidextrous. I am and so is my mom.  I can do sports with both hands. Test her by having her eat and write with her right hand and play sports with her left hand.

  8. she's ambi-dextrous

  9. Left handed. I'm like that, too, except I play sports with my left hand and write with my right hand.

  10. she's probably multli. she can use both. its rare but she is lukcy

  11. I agree with  captain_bryce.    For some people ,  the hand used depends on the activity.    My son is the same way.   This is not ambidextrous (that's when any activity can be used by either hand).      When it's based on the activity, the person is considered to be cross-dominant or mixed-handed according to

  12. Whatever hand she writes with. She may be ambidextrous as well

  13. you can be both

  14. shes ambidextrious, maybe left handed

  15. thats actually normal. alot of people play sports with their oppostie hands. some can even play with both hands. i would say she is left handed because she uses it the most,

  16. Interesting. Maybe she's ambedextrious.

  17. Shes a lefty!! thats awsome! she may also be ambedexterus

  18. Yes, eating and writing are the 2 most common things to determine what hand your are, so that would make her left-handed.

  19. she is not ambidextras (not sure how to spell it) but it means you can use both right and left hands equally..

    i write with my right hand, but catch a ball throw, play darts play pool and do most other stuff with my left

  20. She is gifted and creative, nurture her creative side as soon as you discover what she has a talent for, seriously ! Piano comes to mind.

  21. She's left handed.

  22. she is ambidextrous. My kids and I are the same

  23. shes ambadextrous........ or something like that

  24. most people define it by what hand they write with.

    However, since she uses both hands then that would make her ambidextrous (able to use left and right hand equally well)

  25. the thing is i have a lot of friends who do this and its because they say it feels right when they throw it with they right they say its gets further and the ball fits right into their hand

  26. She is considered left handed because she writes with her left hand but could possibly be ambidextrous. Encourage her to continue using both hands. This is a skill which many people cannot do and may allow her to use both halves of her brain equally!

  27. left handed.

    but maybe shes ambiduxtrious.=] which means she can use both hands.

    its totally normal to switch for sports, dont worry.

  28. The answer is, she is BOTH right handed and left handed (depending on the activity).

    I am exactly the same way. I write with my left hand, but I can only catch and throw with my right hand. I also eat right handed and play tennis right handed. Basically writing is the only thing I do left handed but just because you do one thing left handed doesn't mean that you should be classified as left handed.

    When people ask me if I am left handed or write handed, I say both (depending on the activity). You can't just say that she is left handed if she only does certain things with that hand. A true left handed person does everything with their left hand (using predominately the right side of their brain). A true ambidetrious person can do everything with both hands equally well. She is neither.

  29. I do the same thing. I eat left handed, write left handed, and do most things left handed, but like for baseball I bat right handed and I play guitar right handed.

    The reason? When I was growing up although I was naturally left handed and picked up things I would learn by myself left handed, I would watch other people do things like bat and play guitar right handed, so I imitated their right-handness for these things.

  30. I am the exact same way. I'm left-handed. I go by which hand I write with.

  31. when people ask if you are right or left handed they are generally referring to the hand that you write with. But who cares? don't get hung up on it. Three of my kids eat with their knife and fork the wrong way around. It doesn't really matter. Kids do what they are most comfortable with.

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