
My 7 yr old golden retreiver is having fits?

by  |  earlier

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We have taken him to the vet and he says it is a brain problem.Every week he will fit,foam at the mouth,and become disorientated and sometimes aggressive after.I'm interested to see if anyone else has had this with there goldy.He may well have to be put down if it gets worse.he is on a sedative which hasn't stopped it , its just made it less severe.




  1. I have a lab who is now 11 and at that age he also had fits. Not as bad though, he just got very agitated and we weren't allowed to go near him. Though the lab is an amazing breed they do suffer things like this at an early age. In some cases they stop as they get older. All I can suggest is just to see your vet again and ask what else you can do. GoOd LuCk x

  2. I have a dog. I can't suggest anything but I would like to send you my sympathy. Loosing a dog is a terrible thing.

  3. Sorry to hear this... it's so sad! I can't say I have any answers for you. My Goldens have always suffered from seizures  or hip displacia.

  4. You should have watched BBC tonight at 9.00 it would have probably answered your question.

  5. I have two Goldens (the eldest one is 7 too) and the breeder told us when we bought them that there is epilepsy in the breed.

    I am sorry to hear that your baby is having fits.  Hopefully the vet will diagnose something which can be controlled by drugs as your dog is still relatively young.

    Good luck and I hope things will turn out good.

  6. it may be epilepsy! sorry to hear that he may have to be put down. its so upsetting when that happens.  

  7. I know what your going through at the moment. My four year old dog was having seizures. She's on medication and they've stopped.

    Keep talking to your vet. An MRI can show or rule out other problems that medication may or may not be able to sort out. There are different kinds of anti-seizure medication so you could ask your vet about trying out different kinds. It could be a case of trying different methods of treating them.


  9. wow

  10. how horrible I have an 8 year old golden lab. he foams at the mouth when we take him to the dog park, he gets overly excited. but not the symptoms you describe. Good luck with your dog. I know if you love your dog as much as I love mine, you are undoubtedly devastated.

  11. first of all address his anxiety. this is a classic anxiety attack. what starts the fits? do you walk him everyday for long distances? he is not untrainable just because he has an illness. if you look back, you may find a reason why this started in the first place that does not have anything to do with his "brain problem".vets do not take psychology into consideration. i hate that people tell you to put your dog to sleep when he stops behaving the way we want. take him on walks, make sure he knows that you are in charge, as in feed him after you eat, hold him close to you on the leash and do not reward his bad behavior or anxiety with affection or with yelling... this only confuses him and aggravates the problem. give him affection and praise when he is calm and relaxed. i strongly recommend that you go online and write to cesar millan. some people don't agree with his tactics like, walking and handling but i do agree with what he says about recognizing anxiety and looking at the mental stability of the dog. millan is not perfect but he makes some good points about certain things. you will see that you can fix this.

  12. I'm sorry about this. But if he gets worse then you'll have to put him to sleep.  

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