
My 7-yr old standard bred gelding has water literally pouring out of his mouth this morning, WHY?

by  |  earlier

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He was out of his stall and roaming around this morning, I do have apple trees, would getting into the apples cause this? I'm not talking about the normal amount of horse slobbers...I mean it's like BUCKETS of water...there's no color to the fluid, it's clear like water, not a mucus type substance. If anybody has an answer...I would very much appreciate it.




  1. This is a red alert.  Call a vet ASAP...NOW!!!!

  2. He is either salivating excessively in response to something he ate, or he may have choke.  Either way , you need to notify the vet.

  3. horses cant throw up but he could have an apple stuk in his throught then he drank a lot of water then it all came out

  4. You horse either could be having an allergic reaction(not likely), choking, or it maybe just be an over active salvitory gland. Is this only one incident. I suggest contacting a vet if this persists

    It does sound like choking. Take a syringe or mineral oil and squirt it down his throat. It will help assist your horse.

  5. Call the vet now!  He probably ate something that is poisoning him or something.

  6. I would definately call the vet. Excessive drooling is a sign of poisoning. Also take his temp. and see if he has a fever. If he did get into something he will probably have a high temp. Average temp. for a horse is 99-101 F. My guy got into ragwort and was drooling a lot, had a fever, and was very lethargic. The vet said to watch him overnight to see if he got any worse. fortunately he recovered quickly but I would definitely be careful if your horse is drooling a lot.

  7. call the vet...sounds like he has something stuck in his throat and most likley an apple slic since he got into the apples and he probably drank water to try and get it to go down and it just came back up. so deffenetly call the vet so they can get it out.

  8. This happens every spring at the camp I teach lessons at... from the clover (I think).  We close off a back pasture during the winter to give it a rest so grass can recover, and open it back up again in the spring.  They all go out there, eat it, and drool like mad for a while :P  Then the drooling stops once they've eaten it all.

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