
My 7 yr old wants to know about horses?

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How does someone get a horse to move or get up if wont budge?




  1. SEND the child to the barn and tell him to start cleaning and he will learn all and more than he will ever want to know about Them.

      I love growing up on the farm....

  2. Smack his rump or pull the tail toward the way u want him to go

  3. Many tecniques -

    Have another person lead the horse on foot - if it will not move even when being led tap the back of the leg slightly (mabye with a crop) and the horse should walk on

    If riding - tap with crop/whip

    Squeeze horse using feet and apply crop/whip at same time

    Click/say walk on etc..

    Have another person on ground while you are riding at use whip/crop/dressage whip to tap on flank and use normal riding signals - squeeze with feet, rider use crop..

    for a 7 yr old - carrots always worked for me!!! hahaha!!! :)

  4. just say 'walk on'

  5. What?

  6. try saying they feed it a carrot

    (or the violent way)

    wacking it D:<

  7. yank it by the reins

  8. Maybe it's dead.

    Unless your kid wants to know about race horses specifically,

    go to Yahoo Answers, "Pets --> Horses."

    Many people on this site have only bet on horses that you're describing!

  9. you lightly kick the horse. with your shoe while your on him/her.

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