
My 71 yr old aunt in ukraine has been denied a tourist visa by us embassy 5 times .who can influence embassy?

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the us embassy says she is a risk to defect. They want to see reasons she would like to return, like money in checking account, property owned,a job. she is to old and ill for job. we did help her buy a car in her name but that was not enough. the us embassy gives each person trying for a visa 2-3 minutes to ask. We even went to embassy asking they give her a tourist visaso she could visit with our children. no help




  1. After so many attempts and so much time & money wasted, I really don't see what can change their minds now. However, don't give up hope, justice will come your way one day.

  2. You will have to sponsor her or visit her in Ukraine.

  3. u.s embassy staff did the right thing denie your aunt visa to u.s.

    She could run a risk of die unexpectedly on air plane  or  u.s soil or refuse to go back ukraine. Any of these cases would be a burden for u.s tax payers.  It best you just go back there and visit her now a day video make it look like she there in your living room.

  4. No one can..technically.  I tried to get my aunt over to the states to help me with my mother dying of cancer...nothing helped....letters from my congressman and senator.  Nothing, sometimes it seems so cruel, but nothing sways them.  Sometimes I wonder if they remember that WE the tax payers are paying their salary, and maybe they should take certain circumstances in to consideration...who knows?


  5. Its been 5 times. So nothing else is going to work no matter how hard you try. Here is the thing...... in the US in this day and age 71 is not really considered "elderly". If she was 85 or something, sure that would work as someone will be taking care or her at some point.

    Basically your only real option is to sponser her to come and live with you. If she happens to want to go back later.... well she can go. It will take time and money and you will have to show that you have the resources to support her.

    If she is old and infirm and you have the resources to support her in the US the question will be posed as to why you would just not travel there. Ukraine is not Belarus.... things can be worked out.

  6. Unfortunately, the decision to not issue the visa is based in part on the actions of previous elderly aunts and uncles and parents who left the Ukraine to visit their families in the US and never returned.  In your case, I recommend that your family visit her in the Old Country.

    Edit: What I find interesting is that there are currently two sad tales of Ukrainians being denied US B1/B2 visas, and each states that they were denied because the US embassy said they were at risk to "defect".  Defections ended with the Cold War; anyone at the embassy would have used a different word (and no, it is not a matter of mis-translation).

  7. I am not sure it will help 100 persents but you can try to get her Hawaii vocation through Ukrainian tourist agency. Just write letter to her that it is her birthday gift and you want to spend holidays together. ))  I work with embassy a lot so i know one time it helped....

  8. Unless you can come up with a good explanation why a 71 yo woman with no money, no job, a risk to defect (as the embassy says) and become a public charge IF ever, will not overstay her visa, she will not be able to get a B2. The 5 time denial is already working against her. Just send her the money you plan to spend for her stay so she could enjoy it in Ukraine or elsewhere.**

  9. You can not influence the embassy in Kyiv. Unfortunatley, the consular officer who makes the decision there does not have to answer to anyone.

    My wife tried for a tourist visa 4 times, and she owns a house there, has a bank acount with 10's of thousands of dollars, a business, family, etc... and they still said she was a risk to illegally immigrate. Her 5th try they simply said "you have been denied too many times", indicating there was no chance she would get a tourist visa. Now we get to wait 2 years for a spousal visa.

    But hey... we're passing legislation to allow illegal immigrants to legally stay. Start asking the sense of that to our new presidential candidates.

    ----------- Edit ---------

    I find it interesting that Curious1usa applied the word "defect" to my saying "immigrate illegally". There is a big difference. Please do not give me credit for being uneducated until you actually read what I said.

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