
My 7month old puppy is vomiting and constipated please help?

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ok so.. my friend works as a vet tech in a vet clinic and the other day this lady called and said she could no longer take care of her pitt and had and wanted to know if anyone wanted it before she took her to the pound any ways my friend took her cause she didnt want her to go to the pound and then called me because i have been looking for a dog for a while.. anyways i agreed to take her shes a 7 month old rednose pitt... well ive had her for 2 days and i have noticed that she hasnt pooped one time... and she keeps vomiting this jelly like clear substance sometimes it has a lil food in it but its mainly this clear slime stuff...when she vomits she kinda burps some and then throws up and goes about her business she is very well behaved and not very playful at all i feel soo bad for her and i dont have a lot of money right now for vet bills. what should i do????




  1. Why did you get a dog if you can't afford a vet?!!! Our pug had the same problem where she would puke up her food and not p**p. She had a stomach blockage and they had to operate. She was eating some really weird stuff like sticks and bark and even dog toy stuffing. If we didn't take her to the vet, she would have died in a few days.

    P.S. buy toys that the dog cannot tear apart and eat the pieces of!


    the surgery costed around $1500.

  2. Oh, why did you keep the puppy! If you don't have enough money for the vet, then you shouldn't HAVE a dog! Remember, owning a dog takes a lot of hard work, and I'm sure you're doing a good job!

    But the dog needs a vet. You should at least call the vet and ask him/her what to do if your dog is feeling sick. Maybe the vet could tell you some medicine you could buy.

    But really, you should just give the dog away if you don't have the money for it.

  3. cant your friend get a discount if she works at a vet?

  4. Does your puppy chew her food or woof it down like there's no tomorrow? My dobe didn't take time to chew when she was a pup and she became ill like that. The vet had us soak her food in water to soften it and then she eventually was able to eat regular food. Also she does that clear slime throw up and it's usually when she drinks and eats too fast but she's fine afterward. Hope this helps.

  5. My dog had this sort of problem too, just put some fiber powder, like metamucil, on their food.  I would also have the poor puppy's anal glands checked out, they might be clogged.  

  6. If you don't have enough money for vet bills, you shouldn't own a dog. Just take her to the vet, they will charge like $80 max.

  7. Take her too the vet,any good vet will look at your dog regardless if you have the money on hand or not at this time..after all it is humane of the vets to consider the animal first prior to any kind of can also see if they can bill you the rest if you give them something of a fee out of good will.

    But definately have her checked out, sooner than soon.

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