
My 7yr old Son?

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My 7yr old son and his cousins are going to be transferred to his school and i wanted to know if we should put them in any of the same classes. My sister think her and my son should be put together but I dont know. Any one with similar situation.




  1. Oh geez.  I had to go to school with my cousin and I hated it.  Of course, that cousin and I were never on very friendly terms.  She was a rotten kid.  If the kids get along, there shouldn't be any problem.  If they don't get along, let them each have their own class room and their own teachers.

  2. I would recommend not having them put together just because you don't want them kind of clinging to eachother or relying too much on the other.

  3. When my son and his cousin were 7, we decided to send them both to the same summer camp (daycare) This lasted only one summer because they fought everyday.  They would get along great at home but not when there were other kids. This caused problems with me and my sister-in-law because everyday the boys were coming home and telling us what their cousin did wrong that day.

  4. not a good idea at all!!!!!!!!!!!! I say this because this is the second year my son has had a cousin in his class room, and let me tell you what it is nothing but trouble.  

    the kids fight, and tell on each other constantly.  It causes problems in the family it is just really not a good idea!!!!!!!!!!

    If my son farts,  my sister knows about it and so does every one else in the family.  Her and her kids are nosy bodies, but.   even still your son deserves the same right as every other child.  if they get lunch learning for talking, you don't get a call so he is not going to be punished twice for the same crime you see but if cuz goes home tells sis, well she is gonna tell you and you are constantly riding your kids back.

    Don't do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You will Regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. well it depend my nephew and niece goes to school since they turn grade 5 the only reason they get separated was both family move in different city.

    they actually both under gifted program...and its seems like they both in a big

    but some under kids......they ONLY play in school until both of them get in trouble.........check his cousin esp the way he act and behaved in school....then decide

  6. It really depends on the personality of the boys.  Just make sure that one isn't relying to much on the other.
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