
My 8 month old is acting silly.. is this normal?

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Im sure she is just exploring but it weirds me out.. sometimes she will crawl over to the curtains by our sliding door and play with them (I dont mind) but if she gets turned around where the back of her head is by the glass door, she will bang her head and look at me like ouch but then smile and keep banging it! lol She also does it if she gets her head against the wall.. Is this something normal all babies do? Just thought I'd ask to make sure..




  1. maybe she's bored and just having fun but you should stop her before she gets serious head damage  

  2. my nephew used to tap his head on the floor and laugh... babies are weird

  3. LOL, my son does the same thing.  :)  It's fine.  They are just exploring and seeing the new sights and discovering what happens when they do certain things (like bang their head on the door)...  

  4. Honestly thats werid.

    I would double check with your famiily doctor.

  5. At that age she doesn't know what is safe or not.  She depends on you for protection.  You might try some big pillows there if you have them and if that doesn't work maybe try one of those toys that have hanging objects that suspend above a baby that they can play with safely.  You're a good mom or you wouldn't be asking.  and what is her name?

  6. yes, shes just exploring her senses

  7. As long as she's not hurting herself then I wouldn't worry about it. She's just exploring and entertaining herself.

    If it seems strange to hurt yourself for entertainment I suggest you look at the following:








  8. Yes...just figuring out the world.  My son used to bang his head on the wall behind our bed all the time.

  9. It is normal to a certain point. Kids will do stuff like that, but if they continuously do it without learning from the pain, then I would be worried and perhaps take her to see a doctor.

  10. lol i think its fine because my neighbors have the same thing. the baby would get hurt and laugh or smile even if its a serious injury its like their immune. in my opinion i think that at their age their immunity is the strongest and they dont know wat pain is meaning when you know or think your hurt like if you see the blood or bruse you feel the pain but if you dont its like nothing happened.

  11. Very normal, its to get attention and to test their pain threshold  

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