
My 8 month old is not eating Jarred baby food but eats with us at meal times is this ok?

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My son is breast feeding but eats with us at meal times, I am wondering if this is bad for him or if it is ok? He was eating Jarred baby food but it gave him very runny bm's, also he never would finish his meals and he started spiting it out all over.

He eats very well from our plates, I try and make sure he gets enough fruit and veggies and give him well balanced meals and snacks but i am wondering if he is to young to eat our food. I do give him meat sometimes blended or I might even chew it up and give him some. He makes huge messes but he loves to feed himself and I like watching him learn which he wasn't able to with the jarred food. I just want to make sure I am not doing anything that isn't good for him.

Also is there any foods that he shouldn't eat, is fish ok? Also he eats a little bit every meal is this enough or to much? Any other suggestions or advice much appreciated!




  1. Its baby led weaning I believe.  And its fine as long as he can chew.  As far as fish, I dont know if thats okay or not.

  2. Almost everything you are doing sounds just fine. The only thing I would think is a bad idea is chewing up the meat for him. By doing this you are passing your germs to him. They say that you shouldn't even share a spoon because of this so I am sure chewing his food for him would be looked down upon.

    I see no reason he shouldn't have what you are eating. Just keep watch for allergies. Fish should be OK just wait a bit before letting him have shellfish.

  3. Seems like what you are doing is just fine. Usually once babys start to get the taste of "real food", they dont really care for the unseasoned runny babyfood. As long as he is getting good amounts of fruits and veggies and still drinking good amount of formula, he should be a healthy little boy

  4. My cousin was giving her children happy meals from McDonalds starting at 9 months.  They are now 9 and 11 and are healthy fun boys.  Now I never did this with mine because I was afraid they would choke.  I gave my children table food young also I was just more cautious how big the pieces of food were going in.  My children are healthy also.

    You sound like a good mom.  Best of luck with your little one.

  5. It sounds like you're doing a great job! My daughter hated jarred baby food as well. She did much better with finger foods even though she had no teeth until she was 10 months old! Keep up the good work!

  6. As long as you cut it up small enough so he doesn't choke, your food is fine. my daughter has been eating our food since about 9 months. She doesn't like the jarred food anymore either. Not sure about fish. I don't eat it, so I've never given it to her. My daughter liked scrambled eggs and mac and cheese the best. She likes all the veggies, too and bananas are her favorite. (this week anyways)

    I can't find anything online about fish, but I'm sure as long as you're careful about bones it's ok.

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